Provincial Court Proceedings, 165;8. 257
Court to order the Sheriffe to possesse yor Petr wth the sd Serut by
processe in Law, on the behalfe of her sd Children & she shall
pray &c :
The Court demandeth of the Petr whither shee knoweth tht the
deft hath had notice of this Attachmt ? Who sayth tht shee sent to
the deft, but knoweth not whither hee hath notice of the sd Attatchmt
or not.
P. C. R.
It is ordreed tht the Attatchmt be continued & tht the plf bring
Certificate, tht the Court may bee satisfyed, tht the deft had notice
thereof by the next Prouinciall Court.
Vid. fol. 233
& fol. 310
fol. 346
It is Ordered tht Mr Richard Smith & Thomas Belcher bee allowed
Seauen hundd Seauenty nine pownds of Tob out of the Estate of
John Dandy. It being for prouision of dyett in time of his durance
att their howse.
Re Dandy's
Whereas Henry Potter hath petitioned this Court for Judgmt agst
the Estate of Willm Thomas The sd Thomas being Nonsuited att the
last Prouinciall Court, & adiudged to pay Costs unto the Pete.
It is Ordered tht the Petr haue Judgmt & Exequuon agst Willm
Thomas for Clearks ffees, sheriffes ffees, & [his] owne attendance for
seauen dayes att the last Court in Caluert County att 30l Tob pe day,
amounting to Two hundd & Ten pownds of Tob.
Writt Exeqn fol. 216.
Potter v.
Vid. fol. 116
Came Mrs Jane Eltonhead & acknowledgeth to haue receaued of
the honble Josias ffendall Esqr, to the ualue of Two thousand pownds
of Tob. according to a Judgmt acknowledged in the Prouinciall
Court holden in Caluert County 29th of Aprill Ano Dni 1658.
Jane Eltonhead
Eltonhead v.
Vid. fol. 43
Warrt from the Goue to the Sheriffe of Kent County to arrest the
bodies of Thomas Sowth & Thomas Hinson, in an accon of Case,
att the suite of John Salter, dat. 28th Octobr 1658.
Salter v.
Sowth et al.
and e contra
This Cause uppon a Writt of Error being intricate. It is Ordered
that this following Writt bee sent up to Exaime & make report &c :
p. 214
Caecilius &c: To Our beloued Nathaniel Vtie, & Edward Lloyd
Esqr & Joseph Wicks & Capt Robert Vaughan Gentn Greeting.
Know Yee tht Wee haue gyuen to you ffowre power & authority
whatsoeu6 wittnesses in & concerning certaine damages by John
Salter plf agst Thomas Sowth deft recouered, & now by writt of
Error to you to be deliuered againe questioned, dilligently to Ex-
amine. And therefore Wee command you tht att certaine times &
places wch you shall appoynt them the sd Wittnesses, you cause to
Vid. fol. 125
Vid. fol. 261