P. C. R.
Brandy tht hee missed, made noe further use of the Boate, nor tooke
care to make her fast, whereby the sd Boate was lost, And the Wind
being Contrary, tht the sd Sloope could not come home, the sd Thomas
Cornewaleys was forced for securing his Sloope (Shee hauing bad
Grownd-tackle) to desyre Edward Packer to carry her into his
Creek where shee still remaines. By all wch yoe Pete is damnifyed
att the least, One thowsand pownds of Tob. for wch he desyres the sd
Dauid fferreira may make him satisfaction & hee shall pray &c :
The Deft sayth, that he hyred the plfs Boate, to the intent as is
alleaged in the pMs Pet", But altering his mind & intention, & resolu-
ing to stay there where hee was, & putt of his goods, hee made noe use
neyther of the Sloope or small Boate, And tht all his goods were
landed wth that Boate wch belonged to the Catch, & brought his sd
goods in, neyther did hee claime any interest in the Boate, or tooke
any charge of her.
Edward Nanfan sworne in open Court Sayth, That John Mickay
tooke a small Boate belonging to Capt Cornewaleys Sloope, & rowed
after some fowle in St Georges Riuer wch were Shott. And Dauid
ffereira calling to him bad him come on shoare. Mackay answered
him saying the Boate is none of yoes & ffereira replyed againe saying
That it was, for hee had hyred it, And Mickay to this Deponts
thinking did not row six strakes after but came immediately on
shoare wth the Boate.
The Depost of Robert Sallowes aged 30 yeares or thereabouts
Sworne & Examined the 7th day of January 1658
This Depont Sayth tht betweene one & two of the Clock about
the ninth of nouembr last, Both the Sloope & Small boate was
deliuered unto Capt Cornewaleys seruant, for the use of Dauid
ffereira, And the sd Seruant complayning unto this Depont tht hee
wanted a Roape to fasten the small Boate, this Depont gaue him one
small Roape to fasten the same, & this Depont further sayth, tht hee
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wth some others brought a boates loading of goods in the Vessells
Boate about 4 or 5 a clock the same day & layde att the sterne of the
other Boate. And tht whillst Dauid ffereira was disputing about a
Cask of Brandy wth the Seamen John Mickay & an Indian tooke the
Boate to fetch some fowle, wch they had shott in the Riuer, & tht
Dauid ffereira called to them to bring the Boate a shoare, telling
them tht hee had hyred the Sloope & Boate. Whereuppon the sd
Mickay & the Indian brought the Boate a shoare, & doth uerily
beleiue tht Dauid ffereira was there, yett he deposeth tht Dauid
ffereira was att the same Landing after the Boate came ashoare &
further sayth not
Jurat Cora me Josias ffendall. Robt Sallowes.
Mr Edward Packer sayth uppon oath, That att the request of Capt
Cornewalleys hee carryed the Sloope into the Creek. But the small
Boate was lost the night afore.