Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 201
By the Leuitenant Generall.
Whereas I did intend to hould a Court att St Maries uppon the
nineteenth of January last past, And yhereas the sd Court by the
unexspected Thawe could not then be held, Wch may if not otherwise
prouided for proue a preiudice unto the Country. These are there-
fore to giue notice to all pesons Concerned That I doe intend to hould
P. C. R.
Feb. 8
a Prouinciall Court att St Maries uppon the 23th day of ffebruary
next ensuing the date hereof And tht all writts Processe & Attatchmts
determinable att that Court inended to be houlden, on the 19th of
January last as aforesd are hereby reinforced, And to declare that all
Causes then determinable shall att the Court to be houlden on the
23th day of ffebruary next wthout further processe or arreast receaue
Determinaon. Gyuen under my hand this 8th day of ffebruary 1658
Jooiaa ffendall.
(Vide 3, Md.
Arch. Coun.
Capt Thomas Cornewalleys demandeth wart agst John Webbe,
in an accon of Debt of 300l Tob.
Wart to the Sheriff e of Charles County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court ut supra.
v. Webbe
Mr Symon Ouerzee demandeth wart agst James Lindsey to giue
in an acct of Symon Antonios Estate.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Charles County Ret. ut supra.
v. Lindsey
Dr Luke Barber demandeth warrt agst John Neuill in an accon
of Debt.
Wart to the Sheriffe of Charles County, Ret next Prouinciall
Court ut supra.
Barber v.
Robt Hudson (pe Attornat Edmund Lindsey) demandeth wart
agst Thomas Baker in an accon of Debt.
Writt to the Sheriffe of Charles County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court, 23 ffeb. next.
p. 158
Hudson v.
Martin Cole demandeth warrt agst Thomas Pryoe in an accon
of Case.
Writt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court ut supra.
Cole v.
I under written doe acknowledge to haue receaued in the yeare
1657 of Michael Basey Three barrells of Corne wch is for Rent for
the use of the Lord Proprietary. I then being Receiuoe Generall.
Wittnes my hand this 23th of ffebruary 1658.
Henry Coursey.
Receipt for