Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 199
Summons to Mr Job Chandeloe to answere to the Bill in Chancery
of Thomas Cornewalleys Esqr next Prou: Court.
P. C. R.
v. Chandler
Barnaby Jackson X Capt Stone wart renewed.
Mr Raph Crouch X Mrs ffenwick
& all the summons |-warts renewed.
Willm Hampsted X Mr Oueezee
Hugh Beuin demandeth writt agst Mr Symon Ouerzee accon
Supe Case,
writt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County, Ret.
Bevin v.
Willm Hewes Complayneth agst Mr Robt Cleark &c: accon Debt.
Summons to the Sheriffe of Charles County, Ret.
Hewes v.
Speciall warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to warne Vin-
cent Attchison to appeare pesonally att the next Prouinciall Court, to
answere the Complaint of an Indian the sd Vincent hauing abused
him & robbed him of his Roanoke.
Indian v.
Mrs Jane Eltonhead demandeth writt of Scire facias agst the
Estate of Edmond Scarborough in the hands & possn of Mr Robt
Taylor & James Veitch.
Writt &c: to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to warne the sd Mr
Robt Taylor & James Veitch to shew Cause put in writt.
Eltonhead v.
Willm Hewes complayneth agst Capt Willm Stone, & requesteth
Summons in an accon of the Case. Summons to the Sheriffe of
Charles County &c: Ret. next Pro: Court
Robt Kedger demandeth to haue his Wart renewed agst Capt Sam-
uel Tilgman in an accon of Case, of 1800l Tob. Wart renewed & Ret.
next Prov: Court.
27o Decembr 1651
Hewes v.
p. 156
Kedger v.
Receaued the day & yeare aboue written of Anthony Rawlings
Tenne shillings in money sterling, & as for soe much Rent due to his
Lp for this pent yeare 1651 from him the sd Anthony for his fower
hundd Acres of Land on the north side of Patuxt Riuer & for his
Plantaon uppon Trinity Creek where he now liueth being One hundd
Acres of Land I say receaued by mee
Tho: Hatton Attorn Grall.
Receaued of Michael Baisey his Lps Rent for 400 Acres of Land,
on the north side of Patuxt Riuer taken up by Anthony Rawlins there,
& is for Two yeares ending att Christmas next, I say receaued the
Re Rawlins