Know all men by these pents tht I Thomas Gerard of St Clements
Mannor Esqr doe remise release aquitt exonerate & discharge Mr
Raph Crouch Executor to Lawrence Starkey Deceased of & from
all debts dues & demands whatsoeu6, wch was any ways formerly due
from the Estate of the afforesd Mr Starkey unto me Thomas Gerard,
& I doe likewise acquitt & discharge the abouesd Mr Crouch on the
behalfe of the aforesd Mr Starkey or any Estate formerly belonging
to him from the beginning of the world to this present.
Signed in the pence of Tho: Gerard
James Langworth
Justinian Gerard
P. C. R.
Septembr 5th
Re Starkey's
Willm Edwin aged 46 yeares & upwards att the request of Robt
Cole maketh oath, tht ffowre yeares agoe Mr Beniamin Gill lay sick
at this Deponts howse: & in time of his sickness there he declared to
this Depont That if it pleased God to take him out of this life, Robert
Cole who was his Kinsman should enjoy all tht euer he had, Except
his sonne or Daughter, or some of their Children should perchance
come in hither into this Country William Edwin
Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton
Mary the Wife of Willm Edwin maketh Oath That Mr Beniamin
Gill, lying sick att her howse, was uery desyrous to haue some body
to write his Will, & there being nobody then there lyuing that could
July 28th
Re Gill's
Not in
write, He requested this Depont to beare wittnes tht hee gaue what
hee had to his Kinsman Robt Cole; Except Mr Neale or his Wife,
or any of their Children should come into this Prouince, & further
sayd That hee had none here to enioy what hee had, but his Kinsman
Robert Cole The mark of
Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton Mary loo Edwin
May 16th 1656
p. 154
Receiued by me Henry ffoxe of Maryland Twelue hundd pownds
of Tob & Cask of Mrs Mary Brooke, the Widow of Robt Brooke
late of Maryland Deceased Esqr, as full satisfaction unto all Judgmts
& Bills of the sd Robert Brooke Graunted eyther unto me or Philip
Land, or both of us. And I doe further bind my selfe my heyres
Executees & Admistratoes to secure the sd Mary Brooke, & the heyres
of the sd Robt Brooke from Claime of Philip Land or any other
concerning the aforesd Judgmts or Bills. Wittnes my hand the day
and yeare aboue written.
Signed & Deliuered in the pense of Henry |-F ffoxe.
James Lee E his marke
Baker Brooke
Charles Brooke.
Re Brooke's