Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 185
Nathaniel Vtye (pr Attornat, Rich: Collett) demandeth warrt
agst Peter Sharpe in an accon of Case.
Warrt to the Sheriffe Caluert &c: Ret 2d day ut supra.
Sub pen. Willm Yorke, & Samuel Keister (500' Tob each) to
testify in ditta caa.
P. C. R.
Utye v.
Henry Parnell (pr Attornat Edward Packer) demandeth warrt
agst John Cornelius, & John Weynold, in an accon of Debt.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret.
Parnell v.
Cornelius &
Writt of Scire facias to the Sheriffe of Anarundell County agst
Walter Smith, att the suite of Willm Bretton, for 318l Tob. & Cask
for Clerks ffees, Ret next Prouinciall Court &c :
p. 142
Bretton v.
Vid. fol. 206
Raph Crouch demandeth warrt agst Mrs Jane ffenwick in an
accon of Case, to the value of 2000l Tob. Concerning a horse.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Court, 2d day ut supra.
Sub poen. Mr Thomas Stone, Barnably Jackson, Richard Stone,
Mr Tho: Mathews, Mrs Hester Mathews, Thomas Hawker & Bryant
& Tho: Courtney to testify in ditt caa, 500l Tob cadi Ret. ut supra.
Crouch v.
Writt Sub poen. to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to warne Mr
John Metcalfe to declare & testify, concerning the Rent of Mr Neales
Plantaon & the Order for the Extent deliuered unto him, att Mr
Robt Coles request, 500l Tob. Ret next Prouinciall Court ut Supra.
Re Cole
Mary the Wife of Daniel Clocker recordeth the mark of her sonne
Thomas Courtney (Viz) Slitt wth two slitts in both eares alike, &
the undermost tip of both eares cutt of, And all the femal Cattle soe
marked belong to the sd Thomas Courtney, Being the Encrease of a
Cow, wch the sd Mary recouered of ffrancis Gray, in leiw of a Cow
of hers killed in time of the plunder by the sd Gray, & att the killing
thereof assumed to be payd for by him, Wch Cow soe killed as aforesd
was gyuen afore by the sd Mary, to her Sonne Thomas Courtney
during her Widowhood: Shee being then the Relict of James Court-
ney Deceased.
Cattle Mark
Vincent Attkison recordeth his marke (Viz) Cropd' on the Right
eare & slitt in the Crop, The Left eare swallow tayld, or forked.
Decembr 10
mark Cattle
Willm Kennede recordeth his mark (Viz) Cropd on the Right eare
& slitt on the Left eare.
mark Cattle