Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 167
dammages your Petr humbly referreth to yor honrs arbitraon in
Equity, for reparaon wth cost of suite & yor Petr shall pray &c :
Vnto the plfs Petn the deft alleageth, That hee gathered fowrty
barrells of Come, att one place, & Sixty barrells att another place, &
hauing occasion to goe downe to Virginia, he left the care of the
Corne & striking the Tob to Andrew Laremore, What Tob was
cured, hee struck before hee went downe. And the plf replyeth That
when the deft was in Virginia, he susteyned much dammage, both
in his Tob & Corne, being heated during his absence.
John Hollinsworth sayth uppon oath tht there was (as hee sup-
poseth) about 100l of Tob, wch lay up & downe on the sticks, some
whereof hee this Depont made up in twist, & other Tob there was in
fowre seuerall Bulks: But what quantity there might bee, hee cannot
tell, All wch was naught. But being proued tht the deft went downe
to Virginia, wth leaue & lycence from the plfs mother in Law (as shee
her selfe acknowledgeth in Court) The Judgmt of the Court is, That
they see noe Cause of accon, tht the plf can bring hereby agst the
P. C. R.
Vppon the demand of the plf for 1800l Tob. in cask, The deft
sayth tht he hath satisfyed to Mr Hallows that debt.
John Bogue declareth uppon Oath That that Bill passed to Mr
ffenwick by the deft, was in consideraon of a Judgmt had agst the
deft, Wch Judgmt did belong to Mr Hallowes.
Willm Yowng sworne sayth, That the discharge produced by the
deft, is this Deponts owne writing, And tht hee receiued full satisfac-
tion from the deft, in consideraon of that Judgmt belonging to Mr
It is Ordered the deft haue his Bills in wth costs of suite.
Mrs. Jane
ffenwick v.
Vppun the Petn of the plf, concerning Two horses, (belonging to
the plfs owne proper Estate) lent to the deft, Wch sd horses were
through the defts carelessnes heated & killed, in pulling out Two
beifers, wch were myred belonging to Capt Cornewalleys, whose
howsekeeper the deft att tht time was. The deft sayth, tht the first
day hee went in company wth Mr ffenwick himselfe And the plf not
being able to proue what is alleaged in her Petn The deft is dismissed.
The Court adiorned by the Gouerno6 till to morrow morning
Mrs. Jane
ffenwick v.
P. 125
ffriday 8th of Octobr
1658 Oct. 8
All present as yesterday.
Came Thomas Seymour, & assigneth that Order obteyned agst
Mrs Jane Eltonhead for Seauen hundd & twenty pownds of Tob att
the last Prouinciall Court unto Robert Kingsbury for the use of
Dauid fferreira. The Costs of suite being Sixty two pownds of Tob.
Seymour v.
Vid. the
Order fol. 42