Gerard further promising your Petr to take in his Bill, then in the
hands of Henry ffox, in consideraon of the foresd Tob. Wch hee hath
noe wayes peformed, Soe tht yor Petr still remaines ingaged to the sd
Hen: ffox wch is likely to proue uery dammeagble to yor Petr, in
respect of his great pouerty, & the aforesd Bill remeyning soe long
The premises considered yor Petr most humbly desyres tht yor
honrs will be pleased to constreine the sd Mr Gerrard to secure yor Petr
from the aforesd debt by procuring him, & deliuering him his Bill,
wth all charges belonging to the suite & yor Petr shall eue pray &c :
Vppon the Petn aforesd the deft denyeth th{ the hogshead doth
belong unto him.
Edward Turner aged 22 yeares, or thereabouts sworne & exam-
ined, 30th of Septembr 1658, Sayth That about January or ffebruary
was Tweluemonth Mr John fflood came to the howse of Thomas
Dyniard, & did there demand a hogshead of Tob of Charles Maynard,
for the use of Mr Thomas Gerard, by uertue of a note, tht Mr Gerard
sent by the sd Mr fflood to Charles Maynard wherein he desyred Mr
fflood might haue a hogshead of Tob deliuered him by the sd Charles,
for the use of Mr Gerard. ffurther this Depont sayth that Mr fflood
did receaue a hogshead of Tob uppon the account of Mr Gerard att
that time of Charles Maynard: allso tht Mr fflood marked the hogs-
head wth T. G. att the same time, & further sayth not
Jurat Corar Robt Slye.
Robert Thomas sayth uppon oath in open Court, tht Mr ffloyd
brought a note from Mr Gerard, to receaue of Charles Maynard a
hogshead of Tob, for Mr Gerrads use, Wch he did receaue, & marke
wth Mr Gerards marke.
P. C. R.
Thomas Dyniard deposed allso in open Court, Sayth That Mr
ffloyd ueiwed a hogshead of Tob of Charles Maynard & opening the
hogshead sayd, The Tob is small, but I cannot find fault wth it &
receaued it & marked it wth Mr Gerards marke T. G.
The Court uppon the foresd Testimonies doth find That the hogs-
head in dispute was receaued by Mr Gerards order, Weighing Two
hundd seauenty & fowre pownds neate, & thereuppon ordereth tht
the deft satisfy soe much unto the plf, wth Costs of suite. Writt of
Exeqn according the order, fol. 217.
p. 117