P. C. R.
The Sheriffe of Charles County returneth the writts directed to
him (Viz) All exequuted Except Warrt x Willm Robinson att the
suite of Rich True.
The Sheriffe of Caluert County Returneth the writts &c: directed
to him (Viz) All exequuted Except Warrt x Cuth: Phelps, att the
suite of James Gaylourd Assigne of Peter Le Pleylor & writt x Aaron
Jacobson att the suite of John Little.
Mr. At-
torney Gen-
erall v.
The Deposn of John Caine aged 40 yeares or thereabouts sworne &
examined Sayth, That hee asked Mr Taylour for Drams, who told
him hee could not spare any, But afterwards lett him haue six
Bottles, whereuppon hee gaue him 27 armes length of Roanoke, &
desyred him to pay himselfe out of that for the drams, & what re-
mayned was to goe uppon the account of goods he bought of him,
But neuer asked him the price of his drams, but told him, hee would
giue him as much as others gaue him, that bought drams before
him; & hauing lost the account wch the sd Mr Taylor gaue him of his
goods & drams hee bought of him, knew not what price hee had sett
uppon his drams, ffurther this depont sayth not.
Jurat Coram Edward Parks
The Deposn of Robt Perkisse aged 40 yeares or thereabouts being
sworne & examined sayth That hee desyred a Bottle of drams of Mr
Taylor Whereuppon Mr Taylor replyed hee had uery few, & was
loath to sell any: But the sd Perkisse telling him, tht his wife was uery
ill, & desyrous of some caused him to spare him a Bottle. The price
of wch Bottle Mr Taylor told him the sd Perkisse was fowrty pownds
of Tob. ffurther this Depont sayth not
Jurat Coram Edward Parkes.
The Deposn of Archibald Waghop aged 31 yeares or thereabouts
being sworne & examined Sayth That hee desyred to haue a Bottle of
Drams of Mr Taylor the sd Mr Taylor replyed he should, & asked him
what it was for. Archibald replyed it was to carry home to his wife,
& asked him what was the price of the sd Bottle. Mr Taylor replyed
ffowrty pownds of Tob. Whereuppon Archibald replyed That noe