Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 131
indebted to mee; or any other way sommoned att the Courts aforesd,
att my suites, Promising to allow & to ratify all whatt shall be done,
by my sd Attorney. Allowing this my Ire. of Attorney to bee in the
forementioned premises, of soe much force & uertue, as any can bee
made, allthough any Clause, or Clauses should be omitted herein
requyred, as wittnes my hand the 3d Septembr 1658
Symon Ouerzee.
P. C. R.
Came Phillip Land & requesteth to haue longer time gyuen him for
the bringing in the Inuentory & Acct of the Estate of John Crabtree
into the Secretaries Office
And uppon good Cause shewen Philip Caluert Esqr Judge in
Testamentary Causes allowed him, to performe the same, by the last
day of January next.
Re Crab-
tree's Estate
Att a Court held in Charles County 20th of August 1658.
Gerard v.
Pent Josias ffendall Esqr
Mr John Hatch
Mr Edw: Packer.
Mr James Walker
Mr John Jenkins
Mr Robt Hundley
August 20
Vppon the demand of Thomas Gerard ptf agt George Goodrick
dft, (admistratoe of the Estate of Capt Willm Lewis) for 300l Tob,
& 6l of powder. It is Ordered tht this Cause bee sent up to the Prou-
inciall Court, Because the whole busines touching Capt Lewis his
Estate, is there depending.
Vera Copia Ex Record, Extr pe me, George Thompson.
Capt Thomas Cornewalleys demandeth warrt agst John Medley
in an accon of Debt to the ualew of 5000l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret next
Prouinciall Couet to be held 5o Octobr next.
v. Medley
Thomas Belcher demandeth warrt agst Robt Cole in an accon of
Debt to the ualew of 800l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court to be holden in the County of Caluert 5o Octobr
p. 90
Belcher v.
Writt of Exequuon Granted agst the Estate of ffrancis Brookes,
to Capt Nicholas Gwyther, for ffees accruing to the sd Gwyther, as
Sheriffe for the summe of One Thowsand Two hundd & sixty
pownds of Tob. & Cask.
Gwyther v.