Henry Coursey demandeth Warrt agst Philip Land in an accon of
the Case, to the ualew of 2000l Tob.
Warrt to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret. att
the Prou: Court 8o Septembr ubi Supra.
P. C. R.
Coursey v.
Whereas the Prouinciall Court was appoynted to be holden the
Eighth day of Septembr next, But by Reason of the backwardnes of
the Inhabts Crops, wch would be uery preiudiciall unto many, tht
are to attend there And haue humbly requested mee, tht the Court
may bee putt of for some longer time, ffor wch reason I doe therfore
appoynt tht the next Prouinciall Court shall be kept uppon the fift
of Octobr next ensuing, And tht all warrants, & other busines con-
cerning tht Court, shall still stand in force And all such pesons hauing
any busines att the sd Court are hereby willed & requyred then &
there to giue their attendance, And allso tht the Sheriffe of St Maries
County, giue notice to the Sheriffe of Caluert County, And the
Sheriffe of Caluert County, to the Sheriffe of Anarundell: And the
Sheriffe of Anarundell County, to the Sheriffe of Kent, And euery
Sheriffe to giue notice unto the Inhabts in their County respectiuely
of this adiourning. Gyuen under my hand the day & yeare aboue
written Josias ffendall.
ment of
August 2ist