120 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
July 29th
Re Smith's
An Inuentory of the Goods & Chatties of Maurice Smith, deceased
brought into the Office by me Henry Banister, & Appraysed by
Philip Land, & Roger Isham 21th July 1658.
one Bill of Mr Thomas Belcher
for Wages from Capt Wm Stone
one suite of Broad cloath
one old suite, Coate, Wast-Coate, & drawers
Thre old Shirts
one payre of new-stockins
500l Tob.
Two payre of old stockins one payre of old
Bootes, one payre of old shooes, one old hatt
Praysed by vs Philip Land Roger Isham.
1241l Tob.
Re Lloyd's
Whereas Margarett Lloyd the Exequutrix of John Lloyd of St
Georges hundd, in the County of St Maries, Deceased, exhibited to
Philip Caluert Esqr Judge in Causes Testamentary, the Last Will &
Testamt of the sd John Lloyd her late husband, the 27th of July
instant, Which sd Will being before him the sd Philip Caluert, in
common forme proued, It is therfore Ordered tht the sd Margarett
haue Lres Admistaon drawne Cascilius Absolute Lord & Prope of the
prouinces of Maryland and Aualon, Lord Baron of Baltemore &c :
To all persons to whom these pents shall come, Greeting, Know yee,
That uppon the seauen & Twentith of July 1658, Before the cheife
Officer for Probate of Wills & graunting Admistraons, The Last
Will & Testamt of John Lloyd of St Georges hundd in the County of
St Maries Gentn Deceased, Was att St Maries in common forme
proued, Wch Will is to these pents annexed, And Adrhistraon of All,
& singular the Goods, Chatties & Debts, of the sd Deceased, wch any
manner of way concerne him, or his sd Will, was graunted & com-
mitted to Margarett Lloyd, Widdow of the sd John Lloyd, Ex-
equutrix named in the sd Will, Shee hauing first taken her Oath well
& truly to admister the sd Goods, Chatties, & Debts, according to the
tenor & effect of the same Will, And to make, or cause to bee made a
True & pefect Inuentory of All & singular the goods Chatties, &
p. 79
Debts of the sd Deceased wch haue, may, or shall any way whatsoeue
come to her hands, possesn, or knowledge. And allso a True & Just
Acct, in & concerning her sd Adrhistraon, when shee shall bee as-
signed, or lawfully called soe to doe. Wch touching, An Inuentory
shee is presently assigned to performe att or before the first of Octobr
next ensuing. Gyuen att St Maries under Our Great Seale of Our
prouince of Maryland this 29th day of July, in the 27th yeare of Our
Dominion ouer the sd proince of Maryland Anoqe Dm, 1658. Witt-
nes Our Deare Brothr, Philip Caluert Esqe Secretary of Our sd
Prouince Philip Caluert.