118 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
Maurice gaue him the sd Banister, the Key of his Chest, Saying, Take
my writings, & All that I haue bidding him bee a good husband,
adding further, what he gaue him, might doe him good hereafter.
Jurat Cora me Willm Bretton.
July 28th
Whereas it appeareth by the Oath of William Greengoe, that
Maurice Smith intended all the Estate, wch he had unto Henry
Banister, It is thereuppon Ordered by Philip Caluert Esqr Judge in
Testamentary Causes wth in this prouince, That the sd Henry Banister
(putting in Recogniz) haue Ires of Admistraon drawne.
This day came Henry Banister, & acknowledgeth himself e in-
debted to the Ld Proprietary, in the summe of Three Thowsand
pownds of Tob. In case hee doe not make, or cause to bee made, a
true & pefect Inuentory of all & singular the goods, chatties & Debts
of Maurice Smith deceased: wch shall or may come to his hands,
posses" or knowledge, Nor the same doe exhibite into the office for
peobate of Wills, & granting admistraons before the first day of
Septembr next, Vnlesse uppon iust demand longer time be gyuen
him by the Secretary, nor the same goods, chatties & debts, doe well
& truly admister, That is to say, doe not pay the Debts of the sd
Deceased, wch hee did owe att his decease, as far as the sd goods,
chatties & debts will extend, & the Law charge him, Or if hee shall
not make a true & iust accompt of & uppon his sd admistraon, when
hee shall bee therto Lawfully requyred, shall not distribute & dispose
the remainder of the sd goods & chatties, wch shall bee fownd uppon
his sd acct, exaied, & allowed in the sd office, in such manner & forme
as shall bee limitted & appoynted, by the Judge or Judges appoynted
& authorized in tht behalfe, Or shall not att any time acquitt & saue
harmelesse the Secretary, & all other officers impowred to the graunt-
ing of Lres of Admistraon agst all pesons, hauing, or pretending to
haue any right or interest in & to the sd goods, chatties & Debts.
H Banister
Recognit Cora me Willm Bretton.
P. 77
Caecilius Absolute Lord & Proprietary of the Prouinces of Mary-
land, & Aualon, Ld Baron of Baltemore To Henry Banister of St
Maries County Greeting, Whereas Maurice Smith late of this prou-
ince deceased, hath (as is to our Secretary proued) made his Will
nuncupatiue, & constituted Henry Banister his Exequutoe. Wee
doe therefore giue & graunt unto you the sd Hen: Banister full power
& authority to admister All & singular the goods, chatties & Debts of
the sd Deceased, And to demand, collect, Leauy, & in Legall manner
requyre & receaue All, & all manner of Debt, or Debts due & oweing
to the sd Deceased, & well & faythfully to dispose the same. And
out of the Debts, goods & chatties o fthe deceased, wch haue, may, or
shall come to yor hands or possesn well & truly to pay the Debts due
by the sd deceased, soe far forth as the same shall thereto extend &