106 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
Kent Co.
Ct. Recs.
The deposion of Henry Coursey Aged 29 yeres or thereabouts
saith tht in or About June 1654 as this depont doth to the best of his
Knowledge Remb. he beinge then at the House of Mr Tho: Bradnox
vpon the Isle of Kent wthin this Province of Mariland. Francis
Brookes did desire this depont to make a bill of sale for John
Salter of the Isle of Kent for a Tract of Land wthin this Province.
But where or in what pt of the sd prouince This Depont doth not
Rememb. And ffurther this depont Knoweth not.
Sworne this 3d of Oct. 1657
Henry Coursey Clke
Coram me Ric. Preston
The desposion of Thomas South Aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
taken in Court 25th of Aprill 1655 Sworne Examined & Saith that
about the middle of July last past Francis Brookes of Mariland Came
to the place where the depont lived & tould him tht he had given John
Salter Posesion of Bever necke, and vpon tht Posion given, your
p. 103
Depont came there to live as Copartner in the Planta. wth the sd
Salter And ffurther saith not.
Mr Tho: Ringgold sworne in Court saith That yor Depont was
requested by Francis Brookes fower or five yeares since to goe wt
him vnto Bever necke ffor the Goverr had sent a Wart vpp vnto the
Comissrs of Kent to give the said Francis Brookes posion of that
Land afore mentioned, But your Depont cannot verie well rememb.
whether it was from Capt. Stone or Mr Clarke & to the best of yor
Deponts remembrance when the sd ffrancis came vnto Isaacke Ilines
And demanded posion of the sd Land, and shewed him the wart &
the sd Iline gave the sd Brookes possesion by goeinge out of doores &
did give him ffree Posseson.
Tho: Ringgold p me Wm Leedes Ctk.
This is to testifie to whom It may concerne, That Francis Brooke,
of this Province did pas a bill of sale ffor a Plantacon Called Bever
Necke vnto John Salter, wch bill of sale I have scene & allsoe heard
Francis Brooke confesse the same, for Truth whereof, I have here
vnto subscribed Kent 8th 4th Mo.
Wm ffuller
The Deposion of Mr Tho: Bradnox Aged 58 yeares or thereabouts
taken in Court sworne Examined saith.
p. 104
That some time in July 1654 John Salter desired yor Depont &
Roger Baxter to witnesse to an Agreemt for A Plantacon tht John
Salter Bought of Mr ffr. Brooke of Mariland, wch Plantcon is Com-
only Called by the name of Bever necke, vpon the Isle of Kent &