104 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
the Upper part thereof halfed (to witt) slitt & the peice cutt away, &
underkeeld wch is to aduance him a portion.
Recognit Cora me Willm Bretton. Barnaby Jackson
Re Quakers
vide 3 Md.
Arch. Coun.
Whereas I am credibly informed the Josias Cole, & Thomas
Thurston haue presumed contrary to a Proclamaon Bearing date the
13th of Aprill last past, to remaine in this prouince wthout gyuing in
their names to the Gour, or Secretary wth in one month after their
sd Arryuall, or taking Oath of ffidelity to the Ld Propr of the same.
And not only soe, But haue & still goe on, to seduce many of the
poeple unto erroneous & blasphemous Tenetts.
These are therfore in the name of the Ld Prope to will & requyre
you, to apprehend the Bodies of Josias Cole, & Thomas Thurstone,
them, or eyther of them, & secure the same in yor Custody wthout
Bayle, or Maineprize untill they haue made their appearance before
me & the Councell, to make answere to such Crimes, as are obiected
agst them, & for soe doeing this shall bee yor warr' Gyuen under my
hand this 8th day of July, Ano 1 658 Josias ffendall
To the Sheriffe of Caluert County or any other the Sheriffs in the
Prouince of Maryland.
July loth
Re Hatton's
Whereas Mr Thomas Hatton, late Secretary of this prouince of
Maryland Deceased, had in his life time many debts due for ffees,
from seuerall Inhabts wth in this prouince wch by occasion of the late
troubles (the sd Mr Hatton, & allso his Exequutors since, being
obstructed the collecting thereof) are not yett payd or satisfyed.
These are therfore to impower the respectiue Sheriffs of the
seuerall Counties wth in this prouince To Leauy by way of Exequuon,
wth in the respective precincts, the sd ffees belonging to the sd Mr
Hatton uppon any the goods, Debts, or chatties of all, or any the
respective Debrs, uppon default of paymt, to the ualew of the Debt,
Justly due from them, or any of them for ffees: & the same soe
Leauyed, deliuer unto Patrick fforrest, Trustee for the sd Mr Hatton
Childrer, & for soe doeing this shall be yor warrt Gyuen under my
hand this 10th day of July, Ano Dni 1658
Josias ffendall
Caluert Counties
To the Sheriffe of St Maries
July 16th
p. 71
Re Quakers
Whereas Josias Cole hath lately come into this prouince, & made
his abode here, wth out gyuing notice thereof to the Goue or Secre-
tary, or taking the Oath of ffidelity to his Lp Contrary to the Tenoe
of a Proclamaon Bearing date 13o Aprill 1658.