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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1737-1740
Volume 40, Preface 17   View pdf image (33K)
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Letter of Transmission. xvii

Two divisions occurred upon May 9. The first, authorizing the Governor
to distribute arms to the Counties, passed by a vote of 22 to 12, the opposition
taking the ground that he already had the power and being composed of two
votes from Kent, two from Somerset, Hanson from Charles, Thomas from
Talbot, Hooper from Dorchester, George and Pearce from Cecil, Edward
Sprigg and Wbotton from Prince George's, and Gordon from Annapolis. The
other vote was more of a test of strength as to preparing an Address to the
King and the opposition only mustered 6 votes (Dulany was away on that day)
viz. the faithful two each from Kent and from Somerset, with Hooper and
Gordon. The majority numbered 31. The report of the Committee of Ag-
grievances was approved on May 12, by a vote of 32 to 6, the minority being
composed of the same persons as in the vote immediately preceding this one.
A motion to enter upon the Journal certain letters which dealt with the con-
troversy over the copying of documents was made on May 13, was supported
by the Proprietary Party, and resulted in their only victory upon a roll call
during the session; the tally being 21 to 19. Aisquith and Waughop from
St. Mary's, Calder from Kent, Henry Hall from Anne Arundel, Middleton
and Hanson from Charles, King from Somerset, Robert Lloyd and Thomas
from George, Colville and Rumsey from Cecil, and Wilkinson and R. N.
Wright of Queen Anne's joined the faithful six in making the majority.

On May 22, three votes were taken concerning a case between the Lord Pro-
prietary and Vachel Denton, which had recently been decided in the Provincial
Court. On all three roll calls, the vote stood 22 to 18 and the same persons
voted the same way every time. The House first decided to consider whether
the decision was correct, then voted that it was not in accordance with the
Provincial Statute, and then expressed its opinion that the word " person "
included the Proprietary. Harris and Hynson from Kent were absent. The
minority (a large one) for the Proprietary side was made up of Aisquith from
St. Mary's, Calder from Kent, Hanson and Middleton from Charles, King,
Henry and Gale from Somerset, Goldsborough, Robert Lloyd and Thomas
from Talbot, Hooper from Dorchester, George Colvill and Rumsey from
Cecil, Pemberton and R. N. Wright from Queen Anne's, together with the two
Annapolis men.

On May 27, the bill for emitting bills of credit to the amount of £2562.10.0
current money was passed by a vote of 36 to b. The Proprietary Party:
Harris and Hynson, Dulany and Gordon, Gale and Henry, were joined by
Middleton of Charles and George of Cecil in the negative. Two days later
the Assize Bill—that for the " trial of all matters of fact in the several Counties
where they have arisen "—passed by a vote of 33 to lo. In the negative, to-
gether with Harris, Dulany, and Gordon, were a curious gathering: Calder


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1737-1740
Volume 40, Preface 17   View pdf image (33K)
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