Wednesday morning May 18th 1737
The House met according to Adjournment &c.
Mr Mathews from the Committee of Aggrievances Delivers the
following Report
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice
May 18th 1737
Your Committee have had Complaints that Several persons who
have been Summoned to Appear at Annapolis before the Master in
Chancery to give Evidences in Causes depending in that Court have
in Consequence thereof Attended there to be Examined but the
master has not been in Town which has Occasioned those persons
after Attending Severall Days to return without giving their Depo-
sitions and put them to the Trouble and Expence of Another Journey
and farther Attendance and may Endanger the Party for whom
they are Summoned to lose the Benefit of their Testimony which
your Committee Humbly represent as an Aggrievance to many
the Inhabitants of this Province and Submit the same to the Con-
sideration of the House
Signed p order of the Committee Thos Lynn Clk
A Bill Entituled an Act to Impower the Justices of St Marys
County Court to Purchase Land whereon to Build a Prison read the
first time and ordered to Lye on the Table.
Mr Mathews from the Committee of Aggrievances Delivers the
following Report.
By the Committee of Aggrievances and Courts of Justice
May the 18th 1737
Your Committee having had before them Complaints that in some
of his Lordships Grants to his Tenants where the rent reserved is
to be paid in Grain to be delivered at his Lordships Receipt without
any place being Expressed where it shall be received the Same
Tenants are not Directed by any of the farmers or receivers where
to pay them so that the persons Indebted are forced to remain so for
the want of Naming a place which your Committee Represents to
the House and Submit to its Consideration
Signed p order of the Committee. Thos Lynn Clk.