Ababco Indians, 558.
Aberdeen, Nicholas, 58.
Accessories to Crimes, 19, 20,
24, 46, 72, 75, 78, 82, 95, 96.
Accounts, Journal of, 25, 28,
32 to 36, 73, 79, 84, 118, 119,
125, 130, 132, 271, 273, 276,
277, 282, 302, 384, 401, 407,
417,507,521,571. Committee
of, 80, 82, 84, 358, 381, 382,
383. Proving of, 63.
*Addition, The, 10, 50, 88, 89,
Admiralty fees, 308.
Adultery, 198.
Agent of the Province in En-
gland, 253, 255 to 259, 263,
264, 265, 362, 379, 384, 389,
390, 420, 528.
Aggrievances, Reports, of
Committee, 184, 186, 189, 190,
191, 193, 196, 206, 282, 294,
297, 302, 303, 306, 308, 314,
315, 316, 320, 338, 342, 347,
348, 351, 353, 358, 359, 36i to
365, 368, 369, 376, 381, 383,
521, 526.
Aisquith, Thomas, 169, 185, 198,
199, 232, 238, 242, 249, 280,
286, 287, 288, 292, 298, 305,
310, 311, 312, 319, 341, 342,
345, 346, 348, 349, 360, 363,
364, 380, 382, 383, 489, 544,
545, 550, 555, 556, 557, 562,
563, 565, 566, 571, 572-
Alienation Fines, equivalent
for, 2, 3, 144, 147, 174, 210,
214, 289, 323, 325, 327, 328,
329, 330, 331, 333, 336, 350,
361, 362, 393, 395, 405, 415,
All Faith's Parish, St. Mary's
& Charles Counties, 477, 560.
All Saint's Parish, Calvert
County, 351.
Allen, Francis, 189.
Almshouses, 43.
Annapolis, named, 101, 148,
149, 159, 337, 350, 370, 372,
400, 452, 535. Members from,
39, 43, 122, 168, 169, 173, 177,
185, 206, 212, 284, 305, 521.
Jail, 268, 451. Roads to, 220,
307, 308; see Governor's
Anne Arundel County, named,
47, 48, 53, 57 to 61, 190, 219,
560, 561, 573, 581. Delegates,
39, 40, 122, 168, 169, 173, 177,
185, 212, 241, 280, 305, 432,
518, 520, 534, 553. Debtors,
7, 153, 157, 184, 189, 232, 237,
252, 261, 341, 350, 383, 397,
401, 409, 479. Elkridge Land-
ing, I59. Land in, 10, 15, 21,
37, 63, 64, 74, 83, 87 to 89, 99,
152, 153, 182, 203, 308, 340,
478, 561. St. James Church
in, 10, 148, 152, 176, 177, 182,
218, 228, 233, 242, 302, 304,
345, 363, 409.
Armorer, 436, 438, 487.
Arms and Ammunition, 64, 72,
73, 80, 81, 144, 146, 172, 174,
178 to 183, 207, 211, 269, 272,
274, 278, 291, 321, 322, 324,
327, 330, 332, 336, 337, 378,
384, 385, 392, 398, 399, 400,
424, 432, 435 to 439, 44i, 444,
445, 446, 449, 453, 454, 455,
458 to 461, 464 to 476, 480 to
489, 491 to 497, 499, 500, 501,
503 to 511, 513 to 517, 521,
533 to 537, 552, 567 to 570,
572. Magazine of, 571.
Arson, 93.
Assembly, Hours of Sessions,
3, 40, 171, 282. Conference
Committees, 13. Relation of
Houses, 147, 171, 447, 520.
Difficulties between Houses,
162 to 168, 199, 200, 201, 210,
213, 223 to 228, 243, 244, 245,
256, 261 to 266, 274, 288, 293,
294, 295, 298, 299, 473, 493,
499, 500, 501, 502, 515, 516.
522, 532, 541, 548. Closing
Session of 1739, 260, 270, 271,
277, 278. Session or Con-
vention in 1738, 285, 293, 296.
Governor urges harmony,
424, 427. Relation to Gov-
ernor, 424 to 426. Quarrel
over bill for arms, &c., 453.
Privileges of members of Up-
per House, 222, 321, 337,
394, 406. Lower House,
Rules of, 40, 171, 284. Elects
Treasurers of Province, 75.
Chaplain, 40, 285, Lower
House Officers, 170, 281, 285,
397, 563. Doorkeeper, 199,
224, 225, 281, 285. Sergeant
at Arms, 200, 202, 207, 281,
285, 344, 346. Contempt of,
200, 205, 206, 339. Lower
House Committees, 123, 172,
174, 282, 295, 521, 525. Speak-
er chosen, 281, 424, 519, 520.
Lower House as House of
Delegates, 284. Committees,
Clerks of, 285, 294, 521, 522,
526. Oaths of members, 346.
Journals of, 355, 384, 466.
Lower House protests right
of Upper House to reject
bills, 393, 405, 419, 463. Low-
er House reflects upon Upper,
447, 448, 454, 458, 459, 4O2,
468, 469, 504, 505, 508, 5M,
515. Lower House, Difficul-
ties about records, 522, 526,
528, 529, 530, 531, 533, 536,
540, 541, 544, 546, 547, 549,
577. Lower House Power
during prorogation, 526.
Complains of Council to
King, 575; see Ogle, Samuel.
Assize Law; see County Courts.
Attorney General, Amount Due,
276, 361.
Ayres, Nathaniel, 61.
Bailey, John, 60.
Baltimore, Cecilius Calvert, 2nd.
Lord, 322, 323, 326. Charles
Calvert, 3rd. Lord, 126, 127,
144, 323, 326, 327. Benedict
Leonard Calvert, Fourth
Lord, 327, 329. Charles Cal-
vert, 5th. Lord, Answer to
Assembly's address, 2, 4, in-
structions as to taking for-
eign coin, 46, 47, 48, 50, 53,
62, 69. Conduct concerning
Pennsylvania boundary, 126,
127, 130, 147, 174, 175, 586,
named, 329, 331, 334, 335,
Address to, 400, 401, 413, 415,
416, 418, 420, 424, 523, 539,
540, 55i. Disposition toward
Province, 426.