Stinchcombs wife being then present Tendered to pay the said
Crockett her said Husbands Land Rent in Sterling money which
Land was Distant about five miles from This Deponants plantation
which last mentioned note this Deponant Accordingly passed and paid
the Said Sheriff in Lieu thereof Ten Shillings
Emanuel Teal
James Crouch of Ann Arundell County being duly Sworn on the
Holy Evangells of Almighty God Declares that in the year 1735
to the Best of this Deponants Knowledge Mr Philip Thomas and
Thomas Lisby one of the Sub Sheriffs of said County Came to this
Deponants House and that the said Thomas Told this Deponant
There was halfe a years Quit rent due from this Deponant where-
upon this Deponant answered that he was ready to pay it, and
accordingly the Said Thomas and Lisby Came into this Deponants
House upon which this Deponant Tendered the said Thomas the
Said one halfe years rent as also one. Other halfe years rent thence
ensuing whereupon the said Thomas told this Deponant that he must
Satisfie the Sheriff for his fee in Comeing to destrain for the said
rent and that he would not give a receipt for the money untill this
Deponant would Satisfie the Sheriff for the same upon which this
Deponant asked the Sheriff what his fee was who answered 180: or
280 pounds of Tobacco which this Deponant is not at present Certain
and Demanded his Note for the Same which this Deponant accord-
ingly passed and this deponant further saith that the said Thomas
Demanded 2/6 Sterling for his Trouble in Comeing to this De-
ponants House to destrain which this Deponant Accordingly was
obliged to pay May 9th 1737
Jams Crouch