L. H. J.
Lib. No. 46
to him and desires to know when and where he will receive it. They
return and acquaint Mr Speaker, the Governor is ready to receive
the Address immediately in the Conference Chamber :
Mr Henry, Mr Gale, Mr Hynson, and Mr Robert Norrest Wright,
were Ordered to present the Address to the Governor.
p. 76
Gentlemen of the Lower House of Assembly
I am obliged to you for having ordered to be entered on your
Journals all the Letters and other Papers that passed on the Occasion
mentioned in my Message of the 13th Instant, particularly the Two
Letters from Edmund Jenings and Levin Gale, Esquires, to their
Clerks, which I thought very necessary to show the Sense those
Gentlemen had of the Two Orders of Council of the first of August
and 11th of October, last and which to prevent all mistakes, they
Order'd to be communicated to Doctor Carroll and Mr Denton
And if none of the abovementioned Letters and Papers are yet
printed in the Votes and Proceedings of your House, I hope you will
Order them to be Printed all together, that every Body may see at
one View all that has passed, relating to an Affair, that has been so
much talked of.
Sam Ogle
The House Adjourns to two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Meridiem
The House met according to Adjournment.
On Motion made Ordered that the Committee of Accounts ex-
amine into the State of the Accounts of the Three Pence per Hogs-
head raised for Arms and Ammunition from the Time the Imposition
was first laid to this present Time, and that they strike the Ballance
of each year seperately
Colo Hammond from the Upper House delivers Mr Speaker the
Petition of Charles Sewall of Saint Marys County Indorsed Referred
to the Consideration of the Lower House of Assembly, which being
read Ordered, That Col" Hooper, Mr Henry, Mr Gale and Mr Hynson