it Selfe and as a full and positive Information In Relation to Such
Instruction or the Instruction it Self if any Such there be is highly
necessary to be laid belfore this House and Absolutely so in order to
Enable us to make a Compleat and perfect Inquirie into severall
Grievous Impositions which we Apprehend many of His Lordships
faithfull Tenants have for some time past Laboured under we find
our Selves again Obliged to have recourse to your Excy Earnestly
Intreating that you will give Such Effectuall orders to the agent as
shall Oblige him to lay before us the Instruction he hath Intimated
he thinks Regulates Cut Gold at three pounds the ounce or in more
full and Explicit Terms Declare the Contents of the said Instruction
the Date thereof and when he received it from his Lordship.
Which Address was Read Approved and ordered to be Ingrossed
On Reading the Bill Entituled an Act for the ease and Encourage-
ment of Settlers on the remote and Back parts of this Province.
The Question was put whether the Exemption of paying Tobacco
in Specie be Confined as in the Bill or reach the rest of the Inhabitants
of the province who are not Tobacco makers resolved that it be pro-
posed as an amendment to the Bill to reach the rest of the Inhabitants
who are not Tobacco makers
For the Bill to reach the rest of the Inhabitants of the Province
who are not Tobacco makers.