Ordered that the Committee of Laws prepare a Bill to aid the
Defects in probates of Last Wills and Testaments.
The Hous Adjourned untill 2 of the Clock in the Afternoon
Post Merediem The House met according to Adjournment &c.
Mr Tench Francis a Representative of Talbot County appeared in
the House this Afternoon
George Plater Esqr from the Upr House Delivers Mr Speaker the
following Message (See page 8.)
Mr Speaker Communicated to this House the following Letter with
the Copy of His Lordships Instruction to Benjamin Tasker Esqr his
Lopps Agent Inclosed therein Viz.
To the Honble the Speaker of the Lower House of Assembly
Mr Speaker. By the Directions of His Excy the Governour I
Lay before you a Copy of one of His Lopps Instructions to me relate-
ing to foreign whole Gold and Silver that which relates to Cut Gold
I Cant at present find, I think it is at three pounds the ounce I receive
it so of the farmers and receivers
I am Sir your most Humble Servant
Benjamin Tasker 5th May 1735