448 Assembly Proceedings, April 23-June 5, 1740.
U. H. J.
No. 735
a fixed Time of Determination, we would, and are now ready to
agree to Either, as the Necessity of the present Juncture may require ;
And as this must answer Every thing that can be said with Regard
to his Majestys Service or the Defence of the Province, we presume
your insisting so strongly for a continuance to the End of a Session
will be looked upon by the impartial World to be attended with
Views foreign to Either, & therefore we must now plainly tell you,
that since by dear Experience we have felt the ill Consequences of
Money Laws, Ending with a Session of Assembly, that we are called
and prorogued or dissolved from Year to Year, the Country bur-
thened with immense Charges, Aggrievances and Oppressions daily
exercised, without an Opportunity of Redress, and all to keep on
foot a few Money Acts, in some of which particular Persons only
have an Interest, we are, while we have the Honour to represent the
People of Maryland, firmly determined never to assent to any Law
of that kind with such an indefinite Determination as you contend
for, and We hope, when we are discharged of the Trust, they will
always find Representatives who shall firmly adhere to the same
just Resolutions
p. 31
It is very extraordinary and what will scarcely meet Credit from
any One, that a People who enjoy the Rights and Priviledges under
a British Government, would not upon the least Appearance of
Danger exert themselves to the Utmost for the Preservation of those
Rights, or that a few Gentlemen of Our Upper House, whose In-
terest and Views do not at all times seem to coincide with those of
the people, should be the only Persons in the Government, who have
any Regard for Its Welfare. No, Gentlemen, self Preservation is
Principle natural to the brutal, as well as the rational Creation, and
it is a wrong Conclusion that because this House refused a Tax for
Arms when there was no Appearance of Danger, and when there
was Money in Bank unapplyed, sufficient for the then present
Exigence, that therefore they would do the same when Danger ap-
proaches or Money is wanting
The Meaning of what you say concerning Roman Catholicks or
persons nearly attached to their Interest, We acknowledge Ourselves
at a Loss to apprehend, we would hope that it is not intended to
insinuate as if any of us were either Roman Catholicks, or attached
to their Interest, and if it should, we despise the Imputation, since
We are well convinced that Our Actions as well at this time as in
former Assemblies, and Our Conduct in private Life will suffi-
ciently testify the contrary. And altho his Lordship (as well as sev-
eral of your Honours) has many Relations in the Country of that
Profession, & has greatly intrusted his private Affairs in the hands
of Gentlemen of the Romish Communion, yet that never raised in
us any Jealousy of his Lordship, being well assured that the few
of those People here amongst Us, have it neither in their Power
or Inclination to disturb the Peace or Safety of the province