Money so raised and received by the Treasurer or Treasurers afore-
said so that all or any Part thereof shall remain in the hands of the
same Treasurer or Treasurers unapplied as aforesaid in every such
Case the same Treasurer or Treasurers shall give Notice thereof to
the next General Assembly to be held for this Province after their
Receipt of the said Money and shall render an Account to the same
Assembly of all or such Part of the said Money which shall be then
in their or any of their Hands unapplyed as aforesaid and shall pay
and dispose thereof to such Person or Persons in such manner and
form as Both Houses of the said Assembly shall direct and appoint
Provided also that from and after the End of this present Session of
Assembly in Case of Shipwreck or other Loss of any Ship or Vessel,
Ships or Vessels so that the Tobacco therein so loaden and paid for
be lost before the Delivery thereof at the intended Port, then the
Master Merchant or Owner of such Tobacco so loaden and lost
and who shall have paid the Duty and Impost aforesaid shall have
Liberty to ship at some other Time so many hogsheads of Tobacco
as they had formerly paid Impost money for as aforesaid free and
clear of the said Duty and Imposition
Adjourned till two of the Clock in the Afternoon
Eodem Die post Meridiem
This House met again according to Adjournment Present as
in the Morning
A Bill from the Lower House by Messrs Henry and Weems En-
tituled an Act for ascertaining the Gauge of Barrels for Pork and
Beef and the Nett Quantity of Pork and Beef to be therein contained
thus Endorsed
By the Lower House of Assembly 5th of May 1740
Read the first time and ordered to lye on the Table
Signed p Order M Macnemara Cl Lo H.