L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
Proprietary and least no Relief should be found from him have also
prepared An Address to be presented to his most Gracious Majesty
as their last Resort in case his Lordship should Refuse or delay to
Relieve this province in the matters complained of.
And forasmuch as it will be necessary for carrying on the said
Addresses in Great Britain to send thither several copies of Records
from this province and other necessary papers It is therefore
Ordered by this House that Mr James Calder, Doctor Charles Carroll
Mr Vachel Denton Captain Thomas Gassaway Mr Philip Hammond
Major Edward Sprigg, Mr Tumor Wootton Mr Osborn Sprigg and
Mr John Magruder members of this House or any two of them do
prepare with all Possible dispatch Authentick copies of all such
Matters they or any two of them shall think necessary for said pur-
Its further ordered that the said Members or the Major part of
them Employ any person or Persons in Great Britain they shall think
necessary for negotiating said Address in London but withal that
they give particular Instructions that the Address to the right Hon-
ourable the Lord Proprietary be negotiated as well as can be before
the Address to his Majesty be presented and that in Case his said
Lordship will redress the Aggrievances Complained of the Address
to his Majesty be not presented
It is further ordered that the person to be appointed to negotiate
the affairs and present the Addresses aforesaid have it as an In-
struction from the members aforesaid to wait the space of three
months at least from the time he shall deliver the Address to his
Lordship the Lord Baltimore for his said Lordships Answer thereto
before he shall proceed to present the Address to his Majesty and
that he shall not present the Address to his Majesty unless his Lord-
ship shall Absolutely Refuse to Comply with the matters in the
address to him but that if his Lordship shall propose a Redress to
some of the Aggrievances mentioned in the Addresses or offer to
come to Terms and shall want further time to Advise in such Case
the said person shall not present the Address to his Majesty until
he first advise the members aforesaid and take their further Instruc-
tions therein
It is further ordered that it be the duty of the said members or any
of them or any other members of this House to Receive and take
from all such persons as shall think fit to contribute any Sum or
Sums of money or Bills be delivered to the members aforesaid or
Any such five of them as shall be by the Major part of the said mem-
bers appointed to be by them negotiated and from time to time applied
in the best manner as to them shall seem proper to and for the uses
aforesaid and that the said Members render to the next Assembly
of the Delegates a fair Account of their proceedings herein. Ordered
that the members of this House appointed to negotiate the aforego-