of the Money hitherto raised to that Use, can acquit themselves for
not applying it to the Purpose for which it was raised "
" And that besides the Money arising from this Duty now in Bank,
there remains two thousand five hundred Pounds Sterling unac-
counted for in any Manner; And that the Proprietor has possessed
himself of a considerable annual Sum, amounting to at least Two
thousand two hundred Pounds Sterling, arising on the shiping trad-
ing into, and Staple Export of this Province without any Law for
levying the same ": I cannot help saying, that these are such low and
mean Aspersions, and so absolutely without the least Foundation,
that they must either be allowed to manifest a Strong Inclination to
U. H. J.
No. 734
throw Dirt, or a Desire to give some Colour to the Violence of your
Proceedings, which you cannot but already begin to see have given
Offence to many of the best and wisest Men in the Province, who,
I am preswaded, will be daily more and more convinced, that violent
Personal Malice and Hatred have been stronger Motives to your said
Proceedings, than any true Protestant English Spirit for the Good
of your Country
But whatever Considerations may have been the Cause of your,
present Conduct, I shall never be brought to do any thing on my Part
inconsistent with that Duty which I owe to his Majesty, and which
obliges me in my present Station to do every thing that lies in my
Power for his Majestys Honour, and for the Safety and Defence of
this Part of his Majtys Dominions
I therefore have thought it proper, by the unanimous Advice of
his Lordships Council of State, to prorogue this Assembly to the
first Tuesday in September next, and You are to take Notice you are
prorogued to that day accordingly
Thus Endeth this Convention begun and held at the City of An-
napolis on the first Day of May 1n the twenty fifth year of his Lord-
ships Dominion Annoq Domini 1739
Jno Ross Cl.
p. 71