Observation You make of its being much complained of reaches
very frequently the best Laws, and the most desireable frequently
have not their designed Effect by an ill Execution of them but surely
that can be no Objection to the Law; It may be a very good Reason
for the Legislators to make such further Provision as may be neces-
sary and more effectual for the due Execution of it, tho not to lay
the Law entirely aside
The Excuse you endeavour to make for not reviving the Assize
Law, will not perhaps suit the Purpose it is designed for so well as
you imagine; for what you say amounts to this, that you sent up
a Bill to this House with some Alterations different from the former
Law, which this House thinking not fit to pass, you determined that
the Country should rather be without an Assiz!e Law than have the
Old One; but by the Ease and Conveniency which the Inhabitants
have by the Assize Law, We judge that Law is greatly wished and
desired, and therefore We should be much wanting in Our good Will
to the People, if We took any Step at this Juncture to destroy it
Let the Consequence and Influence of Our Advice as a Council of
State to his Excellency be what it will, yet We apprehend our candid
Mention of what such Advice would be by Our present Proceedings
and State of the Country deserved a different Notice from that you
are pleased to take of it in the latter Part of Your Message; We on
your Mention of the approaching Close of this Convention or Session
(as it may happen) considering what had been transacted or omitted
by the Two Houses, very soon found that all the Bills which had
passed the Two Houses except One Bill for Encouragement of mak-
ing Linnen Cloth were either of a Private Nature or revived Laws,
which would otherwise continue if this Meeting should not be a
session, therefore this House then concluded, and We are still of the
same Opinion that it is either necessary to revive the Laws men-
tioned in Our Message of the 8th Instant, or expedient not to make
this Meeting a Session; lest by that Means & for the sake of having
that One publick Law, we should be deprived of so many others of
much greater Consequence to the Country; This We acquainted you
with, & in Return you look upon it as threatning you
Freedom, Gentlemen, is so dear and valuable to Ourselves, that
we shall always preserve a just Regard to the Representatives of
a free People, And we cannot comprehend How your Right of con-
sidering the Necessity of Taxes & imposing them is the least in-
fringed by Our Hopes that you would consider the Necessity of
reviving some Laws which raise Money, and by laying before you
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