By the Committee for inspecting the Arms and Ammunition and
Accounts relating thereto 23d May 1738.
Your Committee having viewed and inspected the quality and
quantity of the Arms and Ammunition of this Province now in the
City of Annapolis do find the same as follows (sst)
In the Powder House
Fifty Seven half Barrels and four Quarter Barrels of Powder
In the Room over the Conference Chamber
Ninety Two old Musketts
Nine old Carabines
Forty new short Muskets and Forty Eight Belts to them.
Forty one Bayonets and a Quarter of a Barrell of Gunpowder.
We find the arms aforesaid are all cleaned and that the old Arms
Ammunition and Accoutrements in the said Room are in quality
and Quantity as last year. That the Arms in the Council Chamber
likewise remain fixt as they were and are Generally cleaned and in
good order.
Signed p Order John Gibson Clk Com.
The House adjourned untill 2 of the clock in the afternoon
The Governour by his Proclamation Prorogued this Assembly to
the second Tuesday in July next.
Thus Endeth this Meeting in Assembly this Twenty Third day of
May in the Eleventh Year of his Majesty's Reign and in the Twenty
fourth of his Lordships dominion Annoq Domini 1738.
Test M Macnemara Cl. lo. Ho.