170 Assembly Proceedings, May 3-23, 1738.
L. H. J.
Lib. No. 45
Edmund Jenings Esqr and Colo Hammond from the Upper House
and Mr John Ross Clerk of the Councill came into the Stadt House
in whose presence the aforesaid Members took the Oaths (of Alle-
giance, Abhorrence and Abjuration) to his Majesty King George
the second repeated the Test and signed the oath of Abjuration and
Philip Lee Esqr and George Plater Esqr from the Upper House
informed the said Members that the Governor required their imme-
diate Attendance in the Councill chamber they thereupon went. The
Governour required them to return and make choice of a Speaker,
They returned and unanimously made choice of Colo John Mackall
to be their Speaker and placed him in the Chair. Mr Dulany & Col.
Hanson ordered to acquaint his Excellency this house hath made
Choice of a Speaker. Benjamin Tasker Esqr from the Upper House
acquaints this House, his Excellency requires their Attendance in
the Councill Chamber to present their Speaker. The Members of
this house went to the Upper House and presented to his Excellency
the Governor, the Honble Col John Mackall for their Speaker.
His Excellency the Governor approved the said Choice of Speaker.
His Excellency the Governor made the following Speech (See
page 144.)
p. 751
Mr Speaker and the rest of the Members returned. The House
made choice of Mr Michael Macnemara for Clerk.
Mr Dulany and Mr Denton ordered to acquaint the Governor this
house hath appointed Mr Michael Macnemara Clerk to this House
and to desire his Approbation. They return and acquaint Mr
Speaker, the Governor approved the choice. Mr Dulany and Mr
Denton sent to the Upper House to see Mr Macnemara qualify him-
self as Clerk.
They return and acquaint Mr Speaker they saw the said Macne-
mara qualify Himself by taking the several Oaths to the Govern-
ment required by Law and by signing the said Oaths, and by repeat-
ing and Signing the Test and taking the following Oath
You Michael Macnemara do swear that as Clerk of the Lower
House of Assembly you shall true Entries make of all such matters
and Things as by the Honourable Speaker for the time being and
that House shall be to You directed, the Secrets of the said House
you shall not divulge to the prejudice of the House or any Member
thereof, but shall in All Things as Clerk to the said House well and
truly demean Your self according to the best of your knowledge
So help you God.
The House continue Mr Thomas Jobson as Serjeant at Arms,
and Mr Thomas Reynolds as Door-Keeper, and ordered that Mr
Samuel Smith administer to Them the several Oaths required by
Law. Mr Smith acquaints Mr Speaker he administred to the said