County in Richard Thatcher of the same County to him his heirs and
Assigns for ever & 300 Acres more, part of the said Tract called
New Munster in Peter Massay and Sarah his wife to them and their
heirs and Assigns for ever and to Confirm an act of Assembly made
Anno 1711 impowering Robert Roberts of Queen Anns County to
sell Part of a Tract of Land lying in Cecil County called new
munster late the Land of John Toas for the uses therein mentioned
and to make Good and Valid such sale Rejected
Adjourned till two of the Clock in the afternoon
Eodem die Post Merediem
This house met again according to adjournment
Present as in the morning
Messrs. George and Colvile from the Lower house attend with
Levin Gale Esqr Messrs King Henry and Stoughton members elected
for Somerset County in order to see them qualified who takes the
Oaths to the Government appointed to be taken by Act of Assembly
and Severally Subscribe the Abjuration and Test and then withdrew
Adjourned till to morrow morning nine of the Clock