as it shall appear to His Lordship, the Governor or Commander
in Chief, that the Welfare of this Province shall require such
Removal; who shall be called and stiled Commissioners or Trustees,
for Emitting the Bills of Credit established by Act of Assembly;
and by that Name and Stile, shall have Continuance and Succession,
during the Continuance of this Act, for issuing the said Bills of
Credit, and taking Securities for so much of them as shall be lent,
according to the Directions of this Act, and for directing, managing,
and performing all other Matters and Things hereby enjoined and
required to be done and transacted by them, in and relating to the
said Bills of Credit, according to the Directions and true Meaning
of this Act: And if any of the said Trustees shall happen to die, or
be removed by Misfeazance, Incapacity, Unfitness. or for not acting,
it shall and may be lawful for the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
rietary, the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time being,
from Time to Time, during the Continuance of this Act, to appoint
some other fit Person or Persons, in the Place or Places of such
Commissioner or Commissioners, Trustee or Trustees, so dying,
misbehaving, becoming incapable, unfit, or refusing, as aforesaid ;
which said Commissioners or Trustees shall be able and capable in
Law, to receive, take, hold, enjoy, and retain to them, and their
Successors, in the said Trust, all such Lands, Tenements, Rents,
and Hereditaments, and all other Real or Personal Securities, of
what Nature or Quality foever, as shall be granted them in Mort-
gage, or given for securing the Repayment of such Sums of Money,
as they shall from Time to Time lend and issue, in the said Bills of
Credit, and the Interest thereof; and also to sell, grant, alien, and
dispose of the same, in Default of Payment, as in and by this Act
is provided and directed in those Cases; and by the same Name, to
sue and implead, be sued and impleaded, and answer, and be an-
swered, in all Cases relating to the said Trust, in all Courts, and
other Places whatsoever; and by the Name aforesaid, to do and
execute all other Matters and Things that to them shall or may
p. 7
appertain to do and perform, pursuant to this Act; subject to the
Provisoes, Restrictions, and Limitations herein expressed: And
that the said Commissioners or Trustees, for the Time being, shall
duly attend at the said Office, every Wednesday in every Week, or
oftner if requisite, until all Demands for emitting, paying, or bor-
rowing Money in the said Office, be answered; and afterwards, at
such Times as their Trust, and the Service of the Publick, may
require them, during the Continuance of this Act. And such of the
said Commissioners or Trustees as shall undertake and execute the
said Trust, shall be allowed for their Service and Trouble therein,
after the Rate of One Hundred Pounds each, for the first Year,
and for every Year after, Eighty Pounds each, as Commissioners
or Trustees for emitting the said Ninety Thousand Pounds, during
the Continuance of this Act, out of the said Bills of Credit: But