The Upper House. 53
A Message from the Lower House by Mrs Beale and Herman
By the Lower House of Assembly 12th April 1733
May it please your Honours
We herewith send your Honours, the Addresses to His Majesty,
and his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales Signed by the Speaker
of this House
Signed p Order M Macnemara Ci Lo Ho.
Col Tilghman and Col Ward are sent to the Lower House to Ac-
quaint the Speaker that the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary
requires bis Attendance with the whole House to see the Laws passed
this Session receive the Assent
The whole House Attend and by their Speaker Present to the Lord
Proprietary the following Laws Viz.
U. H. J.
Lib. No. 33
p. 299
An Act for emitting and making Current Ninety Thousand pounds
Current Money of Maryland in Bills of Credit
Chap. VI
An Act to Impower the Inhabitants of Ann Arundell and Prince
Georges Countys, to make the Main Branch of the River Patuxent
Navigable above Queen Ann Town in Prince Georges County afore-
Chap. IX
A Supplementary Act to the Act for the ordering and Regulating
the Militia of this Province for the better Defence and security
An Act for Erecting a Town, near the head of Monokin River on
the South side thereof in Somerset County and for laying into Lotts
Twenty five Acres of Land
Chap. VIII
ments 1715,
ch. 43]
Chap. XIII
An Act for Erecting a Town at and about the Landing called the
Elk Ridge Landing near the head of Patapsco River in Ann Arundell
Chap. 111
An Act for the Assessment of so much Tobacco on the Inhab-
itants of St Stephens Parish in Cecill County as will build them a
New Parish Church, and a Chappel of Ease on Bohemia Manor in
tbe said County
Chap. X
An Act for laying out and Applying three Thousand five hun-
dred pounds Current money of Maryland for the uses therein men-
Chap. VIII
An Act Reviving an Act Entituled an Act for the Speedy and
Effectuall Publication of the Laws of this Province and for tbe
Encouragement of William Parks of the City of Annapolis Printer
A Supplementary Act to the Act Entituled an Act for laying out
a new fifteen Acres of Land, Part of tbe one hundred Acres of Land,
formerly Erected into a Town, commonly called Benedict Leonard
Town upon Patuxent River in Charles County besides tbe Lotts
Chap. 1
1727, ch. 87]
p. 300
Chap. II