An Instruction to Govr Ogle viz
You are not to Suffer the Law which Extends the Jurisdiction of
the Justices of Peace to 6ooH of Tobacco, to be passed again.
No. 29Si
Instructions to Benj: Tasker Esqre our Agent or Receiver General
Whereas the Lease of the Rent Rolls is almost expired, & that you
may have in time sufficient Instructions, you are directed as follows.
That you Lett the Rent Rolls only for 3 years, with the Advice &
consent of the Govr & not for less than the Terms before Agreed on,
but for as much Advantage as the Thing will permit.
Given under our Hand & Seal at London this i8th of March 1735/6
By his Ldsp's Comd J. Grove Copia Vera
Paper No.
278, p. 18)
Whereas Squirrells are found very destructive both to Cornfields
and alsoe to Sundry kind of Mast
Be it Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majesty by and with
the Advice and Consent of her Majesties Presidt Councill and As-
sembly of this Province and the Authority of the same That any
person that shall kill any Squirrell or Squirrells after the first day of
Aprill Anno Dom Seventeen Hundred and Thirteen shall upon the
procureing the head or heads of such Squirrell or Squirrells to a Jus-
tice of the Peace in the County where such Squirrell or Squirrells shall
be killed and procureing a Certificate thereof from such Justice be
allowed for killing every such Squirrell the Sume of Foure pounds of
Tobacco in the County Levy that shall be laid for such County next
after the date of such Certificate
And that the Justice that shall give such Certificate shall imediately
upon giveing the same Cutt the Ears from each Squirrells head that
shall be soe produced to him to prvent double Allowances for one
and the same head, Provided always that the Justice before whome
such head or heads shall be brought shall take care to be fully Satis-
fied by the Oath of the Person produceing the same or such other
proof As to him shall seem sufficient That the Squirrell or Squirrells
whose head or heads shall be soe produced were really killed after the
first day of Aprill and not sooner Provided That nothing in this Act
shall Extend to Ground or flying Squirrells for the killing whereof
noe Reward is to be Allowed
Lib. L. L.
No. 4
(Acts of
1712, ch. 12)
P- 47
An Act for the payment and Assessment of the Publick Charge
of this Province.
Whereas there has been Three hundred and Sixteen Thousand
Six hundred and Seventy three pounds of Tobacco and three hun-
dred thirty eight pounds nine Shillings and one penny in money laid
out and Expended for the Publick Service of this province to the
twelfth day of November this Present Year Seventeen hundred and
(Acts of
1713, ch. 14)
p. 98