Additional Instruction to Samuel Ogle Esqre Lieutenant Governor
of the Province of Maryland Dated August the 10th 1734
As to the Dissolution of the last Assembly I cannot but approve
of it, & think you was under an unavoidable Necessity of Acting as
you did; but as I would Avoid all Occasions of unnecessary Uneasi-
ness, so I would not have you take any farther notice of what hap-
pen'd in that matter, & I wou'd not have places bestow'd on any
persons (if it can in prudence be avoided) during the sitting of an
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Assembly, so as to give a Handle to the same Complaints; but if
such a Necessity should happen, as that any place must be given to a
Person after his Election or During the Sitting of the Assembly:
& the Lower House shou'd again insist on the Supposed Authority of
Expelling such Members, I Enjoyn you to Act with the same Reso-
lution you did before in Dissolving them.
I approve of the Grant for 500 Acres & 200 Acres to Cressap the
other person, & as it is uncertain when the Determination of the
Bounds in those parts will happen, I am willing, & accordingly Order
that grants in Fee shall be made of all the Land in the Northemost
Reserve on Susquehannah: & for that purpose I Direct such Reserve
to be taken off, & farther I am willing you shou'd encourage the
Settling such Reserve, by Allowing to many such Settlers as you
think fitt to take the same up without any caution-mony, at 10
shillings the 100 Acres; but that same Rent shall not commence
or be payable untill the Settlement of the Boundarys in those
parts & on the making such grants, the persons taking them must
(if you can prevail with them) enter into some Acknowledgemt
of my Right under their hands in such manner as may make them
lyable to a Penalty, in case they Shou'd not always behave themselves
as my Tenants, or not Act in support of my Government.
As an Explanation of my late Instruction, to Grant Lands by way
of Gratuity, my Pleasure is, that you may Direct any Grants of Lands
to be made by way of Gratuity for any services, for any number of
Acres to any person, so as the whole number of Acres to be granted
in one year, doth not exceed 1000 Acres; And I farther Direct that the
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