502 Appendix.
No. 2954
2. You shall, as Chancellor, be aiding & Assisting to our Agent &
Judge of our Land Office in all that relates to their respective Offices,
& sign all the Proceedings relative thereto.
3. You shall Farm, if you think it for my Service, my Quit-Rents
of the whole Province, at the rate of 20, to 25 pr O Discount, taking
such Security as my Agent & Attorney General for the time being
shall approve of, obliging the Farmers to make returns or Rent-
Rolls yearly to my General Rent-Roil Keepers of the respective
shores, as you with the Advice aforesaid shall think proper.
p. 60
4. My General Rent Roll Keepers to be by you appointed shall be
Two, one on the Western the other on the Eastern Shore, for which
they shall be Allow'd 5 pr ct on the Amount of the Rent Roll of the
respective shore if farm'd, if collected, on so much as is & shall be
Collected within the year, which general Rent Roll Keepers Rent-
Rolls, you are Directed to Inspect with our Agent for the time being,
& to give such directions for the Regulation of the same, as you &
the Agent shall think expedient for the better keeping & compiling
the same.
5. If you shall judge it more for my Service you shall appoint
Receivers of my Rents in each County allowing them ten pr ct
for all they shall receive within the year, nay more if you shall think
it necessary, but not exceeding 15 pr Ct: You shall take Sufficient
Security from them, & give them such Directions as my Agent &
yourself shall judge for my Service.
6. You shall with the Advice of my Agent Lett my Manners &
Reserves & appoint such Stewards & other officers of the same, as
shall be thought convenient, & when you have detertnin'd on the con-
ditions that each respective manner shall be Lett for, you shall make
it known to the Stewards or other Officers thereof, & Direct them
to Inform all persons willing to become Tenants thereof; You shall
with the Advice aforesd allow such gratuitys to the Stewards of the
Manors as shall be thought Adequate to their Services.
p. 61
7. My Agent shall Sign with you all the Leases of the Manners
aforesd or other Acts & Deeds relative to his Office & take to himself
such perquisites as have heretofore belong'd to him, untill my
pleasure to the contrary.
8. Our Judge of our Land Office shall take all such Fees to him-
sion of
Calvert as
General on
Aug. 14, 1731
is found in
Black Book
No. 8,
No. 104)
P- 57
self as usual, untill our pleasure to the contrary be known.
Given under our Hand & Seal at Annapolis this 18th day of June
in the 19th year of our Dominion Annoq Domi. 1733
By his Ldsp's Comd Wm Janssen Copia Vera.
Orders and Instructions to our Surveyor Generals Charles
Calvert Esqr & Michael Howard Esqrs
1. You shall Direct the Surveyors of the several Countys to take
Certificates out of our Land-Office of the Manners in their respec-