To His Royall Highness Frederick Prince of Wales
The Humble Address of the Upper and Lower Houses of Assem-
bly in the Province of Maryland
May it please your Highness
We are so Sensible of the blessings & Happiness flowing from
every Branch of the Royall Family to the most Distant and Extended
parts of His Majesties Dominions, that we Rejoyce on this fortunate
Oppertunity which we now presume to take of Presenting by our
Noble Proprietary this Tender of our Dutifull Affections to your
Royall Highness.
But how can wee Enough Express our Great Joy for that Benign
Countenance with which your Royall Highness has been pleased to
Honour our Proprietary, or how can we Sufficiently return our
Humble thanks for that favourable Disposition showed towards this
People in your Royall Highnesses kind Permission of our Proprietary
his being amongst us ! These things Render your Illustrious Person