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If the Consideration of anything extraordinary for the Service
of the Country should arise amongst yourselves, You may be assured,
I shall very readily and heartily give you all the Assistance that lies
in my Power, there being nothing that gives me more Pleasure, than
the promoting upon all Occasions the Welfare and Prosperity of the
You cannot but be sensible how much it is to the Ease of poor
People to have the publick Levy as low as possible and as nothing
can conduce more thereto than short Sessions of Assembly, I hope
I need not press you to give all necessary Dispatch to what ever
Business may come before you, a thing very desireable upon many
Messrs Jordan and Read from the Lower house attend with Mr
James Waughop a Member elected for St Marys County in the
Room of Thomas Waughop deceas'd in Order to see him qualified,
who takes the Oaths to the Government appointed to be taken by
Act of Assembly, and subscribes the Abjuration and Test and then
Adjourned till to Morrow Morning Nine of the Clock.