Acts. 303
sembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis, the Twenty Third
Day of September, Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and Twenty
Three: As also, the above mentioned Act of Assembly, intituled,
A Supplementary Act, to the Act, intituled, An Act for the Advance-
ment of Justice, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at
the City of Annapolis, the Twenty First Day of May, Anno Domini
Seventeen Hundred and Thirty, be and are hereby revived, and shall
be in full Force, for and during the Term of Three Years next
ensuing, and to the End of the next Session of Assembly that shall
happen after the End of the said Three Years.
An Act Continuing and Reviving the several Acts therein mentioned.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of His Lordship's Governour,
and the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority
of the same, That an Act, intituled, An Act for relieving the In-
habitants of this Province, from some Aggrievances in the Prose-
cution of Suits at Law, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and
Chap. XIX
1714, ch. 4,
and 1728,
ch. 24]
held at the City of Annapolis, the Twenty Second Day of June,
Anno Domini Seventeen Hundred and Fourteen.: And one other
Act, intituled, A supplementary Act, to the Act for relieving the
Inhabitants of this Province, from some Aggrievances in the Prose-
cution of Suits at Law, made at a Session of Assembly, begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, the Third Day of October, Anno
Domini Seventeen Hundred and Twenty Eight, shall be and are
hereby revived and continued in full Force, for and during the Term
of Three Years next ensuing; and to the End of the next Session of
Assembly, that shall happen after the End of the said Three Years.
p. 23
An Act for Limitation of the Time of Shipping Tobacco.
Whereas Tobacco, the only Staple of this Province, and the prin-
cipal Dependance and Support of its Inhabitants, hath been generally
for many Years past, shipped very late in the Summer, to their great
Damage, and the Detriment of the Navigation of Great-Britain :
For prevention whereof for the future, Be it Enacted, by the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with the Advice and Con-
sent of His Lordship's Governour, and the Upper and Lower Houses
of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That all Persons making
or shipping Tobacco, within this Province, after the Twenty Fifth
Day of December next, during the Continuance of this Act, that
shall ship any Tobacco between the last Day of August, and the
Twenty Fifth Day of November then next, in any Year, shall for-
feit such Tobacco, or the full Value thereof; One Moiety to His
Lordship, His Heirs and Successors, and the other Moiety to him,
her, or them, that will sue for the same: To be recovered in the
Chap. XX