288 Assembly Proceedings, March 20, 1734/5-April 24, 1735.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent afore-
said, That it shall and may be lawful for any Person or Persons, that
shall be named in such Patent, at his, her, or their own proper Cost
and Charge, to have such Patent recorded in the Secretary's Office ;
and that an Exemplification of the Record of such Patent, under the
Seal of the said Office, shall be as effectual and available to all
Intents and Purposes, as the original Patent; any Law, Usage, or
Custom, to the contrary, notwithstanding.
Provided, That nothing in this Act contained, shall be construed,
to enable or give Power or Privilege to any Foreigner, to do or
execute any Matter or Thing, which by any of the Acts made in Eng-
land, concerning His Majesty's Plantations, he is disabled to do or
This Act to continue for Three Years, and to the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration of
Three Years.
Chap. VIII
An Act concerning Ordinaries; and for the better Regulating of
Inn-Holders, and Ordinary-keepers, within this Province.
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governour, and
the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the
same. That from and after the Publication hereof, the Justices of
each County in Court sitting, be and are hereby impowered and
authorized, from Time to Time, as often as Need shall require, to
grant Licences to such Person or Persons as they shall think fit, being
Persons of good Repute, to be Ordinary-keepers and Inn-holders,
fur the keeping of Ordinaries and Houses of Entertainment so long
Time, and in such and so many Places, within their several and
respective Counties, for the Ease and Conveniency of the Inhabitants,
Travellers, and Strangers, as to them respectively shall seem meet ;
for which Licences, the said Persons that shall be so licensed to keep
Ordinary, as aforesaid, shall, at the Time of his and their taking such
p. 10
Licences, enter into Recognizance to his Lordship the Lord Pro-
prietary, for the payment of the several and respective Sums
following; that is to say, for every Licence to keep Ordinary in
the City of Annapolis, the Sum of Five Pounds current Money,
to his Lordship; and at any other Place within this Province, the
Sum of Fifty Shillings current Money, for every Year such Person
shall keep ordinary, as aforesaid, to be paid as aforesaid; for which
said Licence and Recognizance, every Ordinary-keeper shall pay to
the Clerk of each respective County Court, the Sum of Three Shil-
lings, and no more.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Justices of the several County Courts, be and are hereby authorized