This House met again according to adjournment
Present as on Saturday
Read the second Time the Bill Entituled an Act ascertaining the
Gauge and Tare of Tobo Hhds. and to prevent cropping cutting &
defacing Tobacco taken on Board Ships and Vessels upon freight
and to prevent making Seconds; and with the following Amend-
ments will pass After the word allowed in the 11th Line 6th Page
put the following Clause And be it further Enacted by the Author-
ity afd by and with the Advice and Consent afd that if any Person or
Persons shall after the End of this Session of Assembly pay or tender
any packed Hheads. of Tobacco whereon the full Weight of the
empty Hogshead within five pounds is not cut or marked upon the
Bulge of such Hhead and be thereof Convict He She or they so
convict shall forfeit for every such Hhd or Hhds not having the
weight set thereon as afd the Sum of fifty Shill Currt Mony the one
Half thereof to the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his
Heirs and Successours the other Half to the Informer or to Him her
or them that shall sue for the same to be recovered in a Summary
Manner as afd before a Single Justice where the sum does not exceed
fifty Shillings to be recovered in the proper County Court by Action
of Debt Bill Plaint or Information Wherein no Essoyn Protection or
Wager of Law shall be allowed And after the Word allowed in the
12th Line of 9th page put the following Clause And be it further
Enacted by the Authority Advice and Consent afd that if any Mas-
ter of Ship or other Sea Vessel within this Province or any other
Person after the said twenty ninth Day of September shall receive
take or put on Board such Ship or Sea Vessel any Hhead or Hhds
of Tobo exceeding the Gauge and Dimensions afd limitted by this
Act Every such master of a Ship or Sea Vessel shall incur the for-
feiture & penalty of six pounds Currt money for every Hhd of Tobo
which shall be received taken or put on Board by the said Master or
any other Person one moiety of said Penalty to the Lord Proprietary