136 Assembly Proceedings, March 13, 1732/2 - April 12, 1733.
Ability of Body to follow the same, or having no Trade, is otherwise
of Strength and Ability of Body to labour; and that either of their
Creditors are willing to accept of their Service, in Satisfaction of
their Debts, or Part thereof, to be divided amongst the Creditors,
as aforesaid; or that any other Person will accept thereof, and dis-
charge them from the Creditors, for any Length of Time, not ex-
ceeding Seven Years; every such Person refusing to make Satis-
faction to their Creditors, by Servitude, in Manner aforesaid, shall
not be allowed to reap any Advantage by this Act: But then it shall
and may be lawful, in every such Case, for the Justices of the respec-
tive Counties, where the said Debtor or Debtors are actually in
Prison, upon Application to the Justices, by any Creditor or Cred-
itors of such Debtor, Notice being affixed at the Court-house Door
the Court preceeding such Application, to oblige such Debtor to
become a Servant to any Person who shall employ him, and who
shall find and provide necessary Cloaths, Meat, Drink, Washing,
and Lodging for such Debtor, for so long Time as may be sufficient
to satisfy and pay the Debt or Debts by him due or owing, or such
Part thereof as can be raised by the Servitude of such Person, so as
no such Debtor shall be obliged to serve longer than Seven Years ;
and the Money or Tobacco arising thereby, to be applied towards
discharging the Claim or Claims of their Creditor or Creditors so
applying, proportionably, according to their several Demands; any
thing herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding.
p. 43
Provided likewise, and be it Enacted by the Authority, Advice,
and Consent aforesaid, That notwithstanding the Discharge of the
Persons of the Prisoners aforesaid, upon taking etither of the Oaths
aforesaid, (excepting such as shall make Satisfaction by Servitude)
all and every Judgment now had and taken, or that shall hereafter
be obtained, had and taken, against any of the forementioned Pris-
oners, by any of their Creditors, for any Debt or Debts, owing and
remaining due from any of them, to such their Creditors after such
surrender and Distribution made as aforesaid, shall be and stand
good and effectual in Law, to all Intents and Purposes, against the
Lands, Tenements, and Hereditaments, Goods, and Chatties, that
the said several Prisoners so discharged, as aforesaid, shall here-
after acquire, and come to the Possession of, and in their own Right
only. And it shall and may be lawful, to and for the Creditors of
the said several Prisoners, so discharged as aforesaid, their Execu-
tors, Administrators, or Assigns, to take out any new Execution,
against the Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Goods, and Chattels
of the Prisoner, or Prisoners, aforesaid, (his or their wearing Ap-
parel, Bedding for his or their Family, and Tools necessary for his
or their Trade or Occupation, and what may be necessary for their
Subsistance, not exceeding the Value of Ten Pounds Current
Money, only excepted,) for the Satisfaction of the Remainder of