Chap. I
[ Supple
ments 1732
ch. 21]
A Supplementary Act to the Act, intituled, An Act, for laying out
anew Fifteen Acres of Land, part of the One Hundred Acres of
Land, formerly erected into a Town, commonly called Benedict-
Leonard Town, upon Patuxent River, in Charles County, besides
the Lots which have been already taken up, pursuant to the
Directions of former Laws; and to restrain the Inhabitants from
keeping any Stock, except within their Inclosure, in the said
Whereas, by the said Act, the Owner or Owners of the said
Fifteen Acres of Land, are to have his or their first Choice of One
Lot; but no Time being limited therein, to make such Choice,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Pro-
prietary, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That
the Owner or Owners of the said Fifteen Acres of Land, shall be
obliged, within Ten Days after Notice is given to him or them,
by one or more of the Commissioners, or by the Clerk of the Town,
to make his or their Choice of One Lot; or upon Neglect or Refusal
to make Choice thereof, any Person or Persons shall have Liberty
to take up the said Lot or Lots, pursuant to the Directions of the said
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid. That the
Taker-tip of any Lot or Lots within the said Town, shall be obliged
to pay the Tobacco set and assessed upon the said Lot or Lots, to the
Owner or Owners, either in the Hands of the Sheriff of Charles
County, or to bring the Tobacco to such Owner or Owners Dwelling-
And whereas, it. is thought prejudicial to the Inhabitants of the
said Town, for any Person living there to keep any Creature or
Creatures within the said Town, out of his Inclosure,
Be it therefore Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That no
Person or Persons whatsoever, living, or to live, within the same
Town, shall, after the End of this present General Assembly, under
any Pretence whatsoever, keep, or support, within the same Town,
or the Inclosure or Inclosures of Mr. Charles-Somerset Smith, any
Hog or Hogs, Goose or Geese, Sheep, Horse or Horses, Cow or
Cows, or other Cattle, belonging to themselves, or to any other
Persons whatsoever; unless such Hog or Hogs, Goose or Geese,
p. 33
Sheep, Horse or Horses, Cow or Cows, or other Cattle, be kept
within such Person or Persons Inclosure, so keeping or supporting
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That any
Person or Persons, that shall be convicted before a single Magis-
trate, on Confession, or Proof, of keeping and supporting within the