120 Assembly Proceedings, March 13, 1732/3— April 12, 1733.
Chap. VIII
An Act for laying out and applying Three Thousand Five Hundred
Pounds, Current Money of Maryland, to the Uses therein
Whereas, by an Act passed this Session of Assembly, entituled.
An Act for emitting and making current Ninety Thousand Pounds,
current Money of Maryland, in Bills of Credit, a Sum, not exceeding
Three Thousand Pounds, in the said Bills of Credit, is directed to
be applied to purchase convenient Ground, for the Use of the Pub-
lick, and building a Dwelling-House, and other Conveniencies, for
the Governor of this Province, for the Time being, to reside in :
And whereas a Sum, not exceeding Five Hundred Pounds, in the
said Bills of Credit, is appointed to be applied towards or in the
Repairs of the Publick Buildings, according to the Directions of an
Act to be passed this Session of Assembly :
Be it Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of the Upper and Lower Houses
of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That the Honourable
Samuel Ogle, Esq, shall be, and by Virtue of this Act is, impowered
and authorized, to purchase convenient Ground, with Part of the
said Sum of Three Thousand Pounds, for the Use of the Publick,
in the City of Annapolis; and that the said Samuel Ogle, Esq; or the
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Governor of this Province, for the Time being, may, by Virtue of this
Act, direct and appoint the building a Dwelling-House, Out-Houses,
and other Conveniences, for the Residence of the Governor of this
Province; and that the Commissioners or Trustees, who shall be
appointed for emitting the Bills of Credit, established by Act of
Assembly, shall and may issue and pay the said Sum of Three Thou-
sand Pounds, in Bills of Credit, according to the Directions of the
said Samuel Ogle, Esq; or the Governor of this Province, for the
Time being, for the Purposes aforesaid.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the
Honourable Charles Calvert, Esq; Benjamin Tasker, Esq; Edmund
Jenings, Esq; John Beale, Esq; Ralph Crabb, and Philip Ham-
mond, Gentlemen, or the major Part of them, shall and may, and by
Virtue of this Act are authorized and impowered, to apply the said
Five Hundred Pounds, in Bills of Credit, in and towards such
Repairs of the Publick Buildings, Parade, and other Publick Uses,
in Annapolis, as they shall think most advantageous and proper for
the publick Service of this Province; and that the said Commis-
sioners or Trustees, shall issue and pay the said Money, according
of the Directions of the said Charles Calvert, Benjamin Tasker,
Edmund Jenings, John Beale, Ralph Crabb, and Philip Hammond,
or the major Part of them.