in and over their Company or Companies, in as full and ample
Manner, as the Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, or Majors, or any Two
of them, can or may do, in and over their respective Regiments,
Troops, or Companies, by Virtue of this or any other Law now in
And also, That the Captain or Captains of such Company or Com-
panies, within such Town or Towns, shall receive proper Arms from,
and be liable and accountable to, His Excellency the Governor, or
Commander in Chief, for the Time being, for such Arms, in the same
Manner as is before by this Act directed, with Regard to the Colonel :
And the Value of the Arms not produced, as aforesaid, shall be set,
proceeded for, levied and applied, in the same Method afore-men-
tioned in Relation to the Colonel; and the respective Men shall be
liable and accountable to such Captain for such Arms, not produced,
as aforesaid, in the same Manner as directed by this Law with
Regard to the Men in any Troop or Company in the County; and the
Value shall, in the like Manner, be set, proceeded for, and levied ;
but it shall be paid to the Captain, by the respective Sheriff, for bis
own Use and Benefit.
And, to the End that every Person so inlisted or inrolled, at the
Time of their Training Exercise, or other Duty in the Militia, may
improve, and render themselves fit for Duty and Service, if Occasion
should require,
Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, that every Person or
Persons so inlisted or inrolled, shall, at the Time and Place of Train-
ing, in the Performance of their Exercise, behave him or themselves
decently, and in a Manner suitable to the Attention and Care req-
uisite in such Exercise, under the Penalty of One Hundred Pounds
of Tobacco, or Ten Shillings current Money, for every such Mis-
behaviour; which shall be determined by any Two Field Officers of
the County, either upon their own View, or Representation of the
Commanding Officer then present, and certified by such Field
Officers, to the Clerk of the same County; who shall, on such Certifi-
cate, issue an Execution, directed to the Sheriff, (or Coroner, if the
offending Person shall be then Sheriff,) to levy such Penalty on the
Body, Goods, or Chattels, of such Person or Persons so offending :
Which said Sheriff, or Coroner, shall proceed, as is afore-mentioned,
and pay the Penalty so levied, to the Governor or Commander in
Chief, for the Time being, once every Year, for the Uses afore-
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may be
lawful, to and for [the] Governor, or Commander in Chief, for the
Time being, and he is hereby desired, to nominate and appoint some
fit Person or Persons residing in each County, to execute, from Time
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