spoilt or lost, as aforesaid, by the Fault or Negligence of any other
than himself,
Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may
be lawful, to and for every Colonel of a County to deliver, or
cause to be delivered, to every Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, or Cap-
tain, who may have a Troop or Company in his County, so many
Arms as may be necessary and proper for such and so many Men
as he shall think fit in his the said Colonels, Lieutenant-Colonels,
Majors, or Captains Troop, or Company; and shall take a Receipt
from every Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, or Captain, for such Arms :
And for which Arms, or any Part thereof, every respective Lieu-
tenant-Colonel, Major, or Captain, shall be accountable to the Value
thereof; to be set and rated by his Excellency the Governor or Com-
mander in Chief, for the Time being, or by such Person or Persons,
as shall or may be appointed by the Governor or Commander in
Chief, for such Purposes, as aforesaid, to the Colonel of the said
County; in Case the said Arms, or any Part thereof, shall not be pro-
duced in such Order or Condition as they ought to be, to the said
Colonel, when the same shall be demanded and required: And which
said Condition and Order, shall be determined by His Excellency
the Governor, or Commander in Chief, for the Time being, or some
Person authorized by him; and the Value thereof certified by the
said Governor or Commander in Chief, or by such Person or Persons
as shall be appointed by the Governor or Commander in Chief, for
that Purpose, to the County Clerk as aforesaid, requiring him to
issue such Execution, as aforesaid, and directed to the Coroner,
(if the said Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, or Captain, should be
Sheriff,) otherwise, to the Sheriff, as aforesaid, for the Use of such
Colonel, against the Body, Goods, and Chattels of the Lieutenant-
Colonel, Major, or Captain, who cannot produce such Arms, as
aforesaid; which Execution shall issue, and be executed, as afore-
said, and the Money arising thereby, shall be paid to the Colonel of
the County, for his own Use.
And, in Order that any Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, or Major,
who may have a Troop or Company in the Regiment, and every Cap-
tain either of a Troop or Horse, or a Company of Foot, may be in-
demnified for what may happen in the Loss or Damage of the Arms,
by Fault or Negligence of the Men in their respective Troop or
Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may
be lawful, to and for every Colonel, Lieutenant-Colonel, Major, and
Captain, who may have a Troop, or Company, as aforesaid, to de-
liver, or cause to be delivered, to such and so many Person and Per-
sons, who are or shall be inlisted or inrolled in his or their Troop or
Company, within this Province, such Arms as the respective Colonel,
p. 25