And, for the sure Payment of the said Bills of Exchange, so
drawn by the Commissioners for emitting the said Bills of Credit,
as aforesaid, in Manner and Form aforesaid,
Be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That the said Trus-
tees, residing in London, shall, and they are hereby directed and
enjoined, to accept, in the usual Form, all and every the said Bills
of Exchange immediately upon the Tender and Presentment of the
same: And, to enable the said Trustees to pay the said Bills of Ex-
change, at the Time the same shall become due, they the said Trus-
tees are hereby directed, impowered, and authorized, at any Time
between the Acceptance of the said Bills of Exchange, and the Time
of Payment thereof, to sell and dispose of any Quantity of the said
Bank Stock, for the best Price that can be had for the same, thereby
to raise Monies for the Payment of the said Bills of Exchange.
And be it further Enacted, That all the Residue of the said Bills
of Credit which shall remain uncancelled, and shall be produced to
the said Commissioners or Trustees, at the End of the remaining
Sixteen Years of the Thirty One Years, limited by this Act, for the
Circulation of the said Bills of Credit, shall be cancelled and vacated ;
and that the Possessors or Proprietors of such Bills of Credit shall
be satisfied and paid for them, as herein before expressed; and that
the Trustees in London, shall accept and discharge the Bills of
Exchange to be drawn upon them for that Purpose, and raise the
Money contained in such Bills, by sale of the Stock, in the same
Manner as herein before-mentioned.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, That when the
said Bills of Credit, amounting to Ninety Thousand Pounds Current
Money of Maryland, shall be destroyed and cancelled, as aforesaid,
and the said Sum shall be satisfied and paid, as herein before-
mentioned, and the Trust herein before-mentioned be fully and
faithfully executed; that then, and from thenceforth, the said Com-
missioners or Trustees, their Heirs, Executors, and Administrators,
and their Sureties, shall be, and for ever stand absolutely exonerated
and discharged from all Troubles, Suits, Costs, Damages, and
Charges whatsoever, as Commissioners or Trustees aforesaid, or
as Bondsmen or Sureties for the said Commissioners or Trustees.
Provided always That no Commissioner or Trustee, or any of
their Sureties, shall be liable, by any Bond to be taken by Virtue of
this Act, for any other Fault or Miscarriage in the Execution of any
of the Trusts committed to the Trustees or Commissioners in this
Province, than such as shall happen in the Time or Times of the
Continuance of the respective Trustee or Commissioner in such
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid, by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That the Money which shall