Security, shall at any Time, before the Sum so borrowed or taken
up shall become due and payable, by such Mortgage or other
Security, pay down the Principal Sum so borrowed, and all the
Interest thereof, that then, and in every such Case, the Commis-
sioners or Trustees shall receive the same; and deliver up and dis-
charge such Mortgage, or other Security; and enter a Vacate
thereof, and cross the same, as herein before directed; any thing in
this Act to the contrary, notwithstanding.
And, for the better supporting the Credit of the said Bills, Be it
Enacted, by the Authority, Advice, and Consent aforesaid, That
there shall be a Duty of One Shilling and Three Pence, Sterling,
paid to the several Naval Officers, for every Hogshead of Tobacco,
and upon every Four Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, be it in Chest
or Case, which shall be exported out of this Province, from and after
the Twenty Ninth Day of September next, by the several Masters
of Ships, or other Vessels, exporting the same, in Bills of Exchange,
for and during the Space of Thirty One Years, next ensuing the said
Twenty Ninth Day of September: For the Payment whereof, the
several Naval Officers shall be obliged to take good and sufficient
Security, from all Persons exporting any Tobacco out of this Prov-
ince, as in Case of any qther Duty now payable; for which Duty, the
Naval Officers, and their Sureties, already given or to be given, shall
be answerable and chargeable; for which the said Naval Officers
shall be allowed the usual Salary or Commission as they have, and
by Law are allowed, for collecting other Duties; to be paid them
in Bills of Credit, with the usual Difference between Sterling and
Currency, of Thirty Three Pounds, Six Shillings, and Eight Pence,
per Cent, which the said Naval Officers are hereby impowered to
retain in their Hands, out of any other Duty which they shall receive
in current Money, or Bills of Credit; and which shall be allowed
them in their Accounts.
Provided always, That in Case any Tobacco for which the said
Duty shall be paid, shall be lost in the Exportation thereof, from
this Province; that then, and in every such Case, the Proprietor or
Person who shall have paid the aforesaid Duty for such Tobacco,
shall and may export the like Quantity, Duty free; to be allowed by
the Naval Officer who shall receive the Duty.
And be it further Enacted, by the Authority, Advice and Consent
aforesaid, That the Bills of Exchange to be received for the said
Duty of One Shilling and Three Pence per Hogshead, or Case, or
Chest, shall be remitted to the Persons hereafter nominated and ap-
pointed; to be by them negotiated and disposed of, according to the
Directions of this Act.
And be it Enacted, by the Authority aforesaid. That the Duty
of One Shilling and Three Pence per Hogshead, so to be collected
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