forty pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr James Smallwood Two Thou-
sand four hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Capta
Philip Hoskins Two Thousand Two hundred and Eighty pounds of
Tobbacco, To Capta Tho: Tasker Two Thousand four hundred and
Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Francis Huchins One Thou-
sand four hundred and forty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr James
Cranford seven hundred and forty pounds of Tobacco, To Mr
Walter Smith Two Thousand four hundred and Twenty pounds of
Tobbacco, To Mr William Hatton Two Thousand four hundred and
Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Coll Ninian Beale Two Thousand
four hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr Wm Barton
Thirteen hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Wm Hutchinson Two
Thousand four hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr
John Hammond Two Thousand Two hundred and sixty pounds of
Tobbacco, To Capta Richard Hill nineteen hundred & sixty pounds
of Tobbacco, To Majr Edward Dorsey Two Thousand one hundred
pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr James Saunders Two Thousand Two
hundred and Sixty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Edward Boothby
Two Thousand four hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To
Mr John Ferry Two Thousand four hundred and Twenty pounds
of Tobbacco, To Mr John Hall Two Thousand four hundred and
Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr George Ashman Two Thou-
sand four hundred and twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Colt.
Casparus Harman Two Thousand pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr
John Thompson fourteen hundred & forty pounds of Tobbacco, To
Mr Edward Blay Two Thousand pounds of Tobbacco, To Coll John
Henson Thirteen hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To
Majr Thomas Smith Two Thousand and Twenty pounds of Tobacco,
To Mr Wm Frisby thirteen hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To Majr
Tho: Smithson Two Thousand four hundred and Twenty pounds
of Tobbacco, To Mr Wm Hemsley Two Thousand four hundred and
Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Wm Coursey Two Thousand
four hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr John Pollard
Two Thousand Six hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr Henry
Hooper Two Thousand Six hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To Mr
Thomas Hicks Two Thousand Six hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To
Mr Francis Jenkins Two Thousand Six hundred pounds of Tobbacco,
To Mr Thomas Dixon Two Thousand Six hundred pounds of Tob-
bacco, To Mr Matthew Scarborough Two Thousand Six hundred
pounds of Tobacco, To Mr John Bozman Two Thousand six hun-
dred pounds of Tobacco, To Thomas Blackwell for James Baker
seven hundred pounds of Tobbacco, To Thomas Blackwell more one
hundred and four pounds of Tobbacco, To Thomas Blackwell more
four hundred ninety six pounds of Tobbacco, To Cecill County
seven hundred and twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Kent County
seven hundred and twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Talbott County
seven hundred and twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Dorchester
County seven hundred and twenty pounds of Tobbacco, To Summer-
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,