C. O. s,
Vol. 731,
authority of the same, that noe County Court within this Province,
shall hold Plea or have Jurisdiction for the heareing or Trying or
determining of any Action or Actions before them brought, Either
by Bond, Bill Assumption reckoning or Account wherein the
demand made doth not Exceed the Summe of Two hundred pounds
of Tobbacco or Twelve shillings sterling, But that in all such cases
wherein the demand made doth not Exceed the Summe of Two hun-
dred pounds of Tobbacco, or Twelve shillings sterling aforesaid,
It shall and may be Lawfull for any one Justice of the Peace within
the severall and respective Countys wherein the person Debtor doth
reside to trye hear and determine the matter of Controversie between
the party and partys Debtor and Creditor as aforesaid upon applica-
tion to him made by any Creditor or Creditors of such Debtor or
Debtors aforesaid, and at the time of the application aforesaid
such Justices is allso authorized and Impowred & allso willed and
required to Isue out his Warrant, & to depute such person for to
Execute the same as he shall think fitt, to command and bring before
him, the person of such Debtor or Debtors, and allso Summons to
Isue for such Witnesses as either Plaintiff or Defendant shall have
occasion to make use of, with power to administer Oath or Oathes
to either Plaintiff or Diffendt or to any of their or Either of their
Evidences as occasion shall require, for the better clearing of the
matter in question before him, And upon full hereing of the alle-
gations of either Party or Partys, what may or can upon Oath be
given in Evidences by any of their Evidences, to proceed to Judgement
as the nature of the case shall require, whose determination shall be
finall, all which such Justice of the Peace before whom such matter
of Contraversie shall be brought, shall doe gratis, and if such party
or partys against whom Judgement shall be given, shall refuse or
delay to pay such Debt, as shall be awarded against him or them,
then it shall and may allso be Lawfull for such Justice of the Peace
to award Execution against the said Party or Partys for the Debt
aforesaid by fieri facias or capias ad Satisfaciendum directed to the
Sheriff of the County, which said Sheriff upon receipt of such
precept, from such Justice aforesaid shall Imediately thereupon
Levey the same upon his her or their good and Chatties, or Body,
as the Matter of the Writt shall require, all which such Sheriff shall
doe Ex Officio, Any Law Useage or Custome to the contrary not-
This Act to Endure for three years or to the end of the next Gen-
erall Assembly which shall first hapen, a former Act of this Title
to the same purpose being now Expired and made Void.