& Security thereof, One other Act made at the same Assembly
entituled an Act ascertaining what damages shall be allowed upon
protested Bills of Exchange, One other Act made at the same Assem-
bly intituled an Act for the Encouragement of Tillage & raiseing
provisions for advancement of trade in this Province. One other
Act made at the same Assembly intituled an Act for the Amercia-
ments in the Provinciall & County Courts. One other act made at the
same Assembly entituled an Act against exportation of woll & old
Iron. One other Act made at the same Assembly intituled an act
prohibiting forreigne ingrossers. One other Act made at an Assem-
bly begun & held at the Citty of St. Maryes the one and twentieth
day of September in the year of our Lord 1694, Intituled an
act for setleing a Revenue on their Majestyes present Governour,
One other Act made at the same Assembly intituled an Act for speedy
& easy Justice for small debts, One other Act made at the same As-
sembly Intituled an act to prevent the great evil occasioned by the
multiplicity of horses within this Province. One other Act made at
the same Assembly intituled an Act prohibiting the Inhabitants of this
Province or any others from carrying Liquors to the Indian Townes
& Cabins. One other Act made at an Assembly begun & held at the
Port of Annapolis in Ann-Arrundell County the eighth day of May
in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred ninety five In-
tituled an Additional act to the act for the better Administracon of
Justice in probate of Wills granting of Administracons recovering
of Legacyes & secureing of filial portions. One other Act made at the
same Assembly Intituled an Act restrayning the frequent assembleing
of Negroes within this Province. One other Act made at the same
Assembly intituled an act for the raiseing a supply towards the
defraying the Publick charge of this Province, One other Act made
at the same Assembly intituled An Additional Act to the act for Regu-
lateing the Millitia of this Province. One other act made at the
same [sic] Assembly held at the Port of Annapolis the third day of
October in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred ninety
five intituled an act for the Regulateing the proceedings in the
Provinciall Court & lessening the charge of evidences attendance.
One other act of Assembly made at the same Assembly intituled
an act for appeales & Regulateing writts of error, One other act
made at the same Assembly intituled an Act for the Imposition of
four pence per gallon on liquors imported into this Province, One
other Act made at the same Assembly Intituled an Act imposeing
the duty of Tenn per Centum upon all European commodityes ex-
ported out of this Province & that these severall acts of Assembly &
every particular clause & thing therein contained shall be & are hereby
revived and continued to stand remaine & be in full force & effect for
& dureing the full terme of three yeares or to the end of the next
Session of Assembly which shall first happen. And be it further
Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by & with the advice & consent
C. O. 5,
Vol. 731,